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Customizing the simulation environment


In this section we will discuss the customization of the Mini-Lab simulation environment in Gazebo.

Modifying the Simulation Map

The Mini-Lab simulation packages contain different .SDF files for different environments. To modify the map used in Gazebo you have to modify the minilab_gazebo.launch file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <param name="/use_sim_time" value="true" />
  <!-- We resume the logic in empty_world.launch, changing only the name of the world to be launched -->
  <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
    <arg name="world_name" value="worlds/empty.world"/> <!-- Note: the world_name is with respect to GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH environmental variable -->
    <arg name="paused" value="false"/>
    <arg name="use_sim_time" value="true"/>
    <arg name="gui" value="true"/>
    <arg name="headless" value="false"/>
    <arg name="debug" value="false"/>
  <node name="spawn_urdf" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-file $(find minilab_launch)/urdf/minilab.urdf -urdf  -y -4 -model minilab"/>
  <node name="spawn_sdf" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-file $(find minilab_launch)/urdf/buvette.sdf -sdf -x -0 -y -0 -model Enovanmental" />
<!-- Note: For a second test map, you can use whouse.sdf instead of buvette.sdf -->

You just have to modify the line by the path of the map you will use:

<node name="spawn_sdf" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model"  args="-file $(find minilab_launch)/urdf/buvette.sdf -sdf -x -0 -y -0  -model Enovanmental" />

What next?

Keyboard Teleoperation

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For question about the software email us at: support@enovarobotics.com

For more information about the product please visit our website : https://enovarobotics.com

Or email us directly at contact@enovarobotics.com

2025-03-15 13:23