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ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of July 8th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of July 8th, 2024

:tada: The full ROSCon talk schedule has been published! :tada:

We also just announced that we’ll be offering tours of the Teradyne / Universal Robotics / MiR offices during ROSCon.

It seems like everyone is building open-hardware robot arms right now!
There’s the MikataArm (above), a new open source arm from Source Robotics, and I recently came across this open source hardware gripper. Some of these projects already have downstream users like this imitation learning project that uses and open-hardware arm and an iPhone.

Why build just an arm when you can build a whole humanoid? Personally, I’m a big fan of the work of @lethic1 on Twitter and their new Red Rabbit Robotics project


Check out this fantastic thread of student summer thesis projects using ROS. If you know a student please encourage them to contribute!


The team over at the Intelligent Robotics Lab at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
have released a ROS 2 Humble package for the Unitree Go 2 Quadruped.




Got a Minute?

:open_book: Consider sending us a pull request to improve the ROS documentation.

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-july-8th-2024/38577

ROS Discourse General: Launch of Open-RMF Project Management Committee open sessions

I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Open-RMF Project Management Committee (PMC) open sessions. These are sessions where the Open-RMF PMC will discuss matters pertaining to the upkeep, development, and direction of the project, with an opportunity for the public to observe as well as potentially share feedback with the committee as the agenda permits. The sessions will be run according to the project charter designated by the OSRA.

Sessions will take place at a two-week cadence with the first session at 2024-07-16T01:00:00Z UTC.

Unfortunately the timing is not favorable to folks in a European timezone, but all the current PMC members are in Asia or California. Folks in Europe who are interested in interoperability are encouraged to join the OSRF Interoperability Special Interest Group which takes place during a Euro-friendly timeslot.

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/launch-of-open-rmf-project-management-committee-open-sessions/38552

ROS Industrial: Exploring ROS2 Basics: Training at Mitsubishi Electric Nagoya Works

Recently, our consortium conducted a comprehensive ROS2 Basics training session at the Mitsubishi Electric Nagoya Works Factory Automation Centre in Japan, from May 14th to 17th . This training brought together our consortium members from IHI, Mitsubishi Electric, Pepperl+Fuchs, and Panasonic,as well as the training team from RIC-AP (Glenn Tan, Adriel Ho, Sheila Suppiah), all eager to delve into the topics of ROS2 Basics.

The sessions covered essential topics including the publisher/subscriber model, service client model, launch files, and parameter tuning in ROS2. A significant focus was also placed on comparing ROS1 and ROS2, highlighting the advancements and improvements in the latter.

To ensure a solid foundation, the course began with an introduction to the Linux operating system and command line interface, which is essential for ROS2 development. The engagement from our consortium members was great, with active participation and thoughtful questions that contributed to a vibrant learning environment. Their enthusiasm underscores a shared commitment to advancing robotics through ROS based technologies.

As part of their final assessment, students applied their newfound knowledge in a practical application focusing on the usage of a TurtleBot3 Burger. This hands-on approach allowed them to demonstrate their understanding of ROS2 concepts in a real-world context, further solidifying their learning.

The feedback from participants was generally positive, with many expressing their interest to delve deeper into more advanced ROS topics in the future. We also had the opportunity to further enrich the learning experience, as we concluded the training with an insightful factory tour of Mitsubishi Electric.

This training session wouldn't have been possible without the continuous support and dedication of our consortium members. Their unwavering interest in ROS2 is paving the way for future advancements in robotics, demonstrating the power of collaboration in driving innovation forward.

We look forward to our next run of trainings in Japan! Do drop a comment or contact us if you are interested to participate in subsequent runs. #goROS

[WWW] https://rosindustrial.org/news/2024/7/9/exploring-ros2-basics-training-at-mitsubishi-electric-nagoya-works

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Noetic 2024-07-08

We’re happy to announce 0 new packages and 39 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2024-07-08.

Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!

Package Updates for noetic

Added Packages [0]:

Updated Packages [39]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-noetic-2024-07-08/38507

ROS Discourse General: Announcing ros-tool: The easiest way to create web UIs for ROS

Our new, free ros-tool capability makes it trivial to interact with ROS from the web. It provides a React API for subscribing and publish to topics and for placing service calls. It works with both ROS 1 and 2, and unlike rosbridge, it caches all data in the cloud, which means your UIs will work even when your robot is offline (just showing the latest data). Since all data is synced via the cloud, it is also much easier and more efficient to aggregate data from multiple robots, e.g., for showing your fleet on a map.


Here is an example of how to use it on the web:

import { CapabilityContext, CapabilityContextProvider } from '@transitive-sdk/utils-web'

const MyROSComponent = () => {
  // import the API exposed by the ros-tool capability
  const { ready, subscribe, deviceData, publish, call } = useContext(CapabilityContext)

  useEffect(() => {
      if (ready) {
        // subscribe to a ROS 1 topic on the robot
        subscribe(1, '/amcl_pose');
    }, [ready, subscribe])

  // get the pose from the reactively updating device data
  const pose = deviceData?.ros[1].messages?.amcl_pose?.pose.pose;
  if (!pose) return <div>Connecting..</div>;

  // Show pose x and y on page as text:
  return <div>
      x: {pose.position.x},
      y: {pose.position.y}

const MyPage = () => <CapabilityContextProvider jwt={jwt}>
    <MyROSComponent />

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started with this is to use our hosted solution on transitiverobotics.com where you can create a (free) account, add your robots, and install the ros-tool capability. Then you can use the playground UI to try it out without writing any code. The playground UI shows you the list of topics on the robot and let’s you subscribe to them. For publishing messages and placing service calls it fetches the message/service schema and uses it to pre-populate an editor with a template where you can just edit the values and send it off.

And yes, Transitive is open-source, so if you prefer to self-host the service, you can.

Demo and Details

Watch the demo here.

ros-tool (Transitive Robotics)

6 posts - 4 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/announcing-ros-tool-the-easiest-way-to-create-web-uis-for-ros/38505

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Jazzy Jalisco 2024-07-05

Package Updates for jazzy

Note that package counts include dbgsym packages which have been filtered out from the list below

Added Packages [123]:

Updated Packages [440]:

Removed Packages [4]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-jazzy-jalisco-2024-07-05/38479

ROS Discourse General: New Implementation for Unitree GO 2 in ROS 2 Humble


Hello everyone!!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Juan Carlos Manzanares and I belong to a robotics research group called Intelligents Robotics Lab, belonging to the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain. In this group we develop some projects, such as MOCAP4ROS2, PlanSys2, CascadeLifecycle, marathon for nav2, robocups

Today, together with @Fmrico and @juanscelyg, I come to present our implementation to make the unitree go 2 robot work in ros2, in this case for dds.

This implementation is given since once you connect to this robot you can see topics, but you do not see any launched nodes. Furthermore, there is too much information in these topics that we are not typically used to seeing in a robot. By this I mean being able to see a /robot_description, being able to see the /joints_states of the motors, being able to move our robot easily using a /cmd_vel.

In the previous repository, you can find how to use our “driver”, fully implemented in c++, with all the steps to follow to change your robot’s mode, change settings, command speeds, etc… Also, you can find a small list of implementations that we already have done, or which we are currently working on.

I show you some images of what was mentioned:

We are currently developing support to be able to do slam and nav2 with this robot, so we hope to update within a couple of weeks with new news about it ^ ^. Also, in the future (hopefully soon), we want to have a gazebo simulation ready, so that anyone who does not have this robot can also work with it.

This post is not only to show our work, but also to invite the entire community to contribute to it, helping to find small bugs, developing new things… So I invite everyone to contribute to this repository.

Thank you very much for reading the post and I hope it helps many of you.


8 posts - 7 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-implementation-for-unitree-go-2-in-ros-2-humble/38465

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Humble Hawksbill 2024-07-03

Package Updates for Humble

Added Packages [41]:

Updated Packages [176]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-humble-hawksbill-2024-07-03/38447

ROS Discourse General: Interoperabiility Interest Group July 4, 2024: Open Mic Night

Community Page

Meeting Link

Calendar Link

With the Fourth of July being a major holiday in the United States, the next special interest group meeting will be a (lightly moderated) open mic night. There will not be any special topic or presentation, so feel free to chat with the rest of the group about anything remotely in the sphere of interoperability.

We will not be recording this session, but I might take notes if anything particularly interesting develops from the conversations.

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/interoperabiility-interest-group-july-4-2024-open-mic-night/38434

ROS Discourse General: New documentation on how to take a message from a subscriber without executing a callback function

Hello everyone!

Autoware Documentation provides a guideline to take a message from Subscription without executing any callback function.


I believe that the document must be helpful for many users and projects even though it only explains the take() method defined in the rclcpp::Subscription class. The official rclcpp API document and ros2/examples modestly introduce the take() method, but there is less documentation that tells how to use the take() method.

In ROS based projects, it is often seen that a callback function is called when a topic based message is received by a subscriber. The programming manner seems to be common sense in the ROS community because it is explained in tutorials and ros2/demos.

Autoware developers also had this common sense but it was a burden for Autoware. Autoware is one of the large applications based on ROS 2. Autoware is composed of many nodes and has a large number of message communication for inter-process and intra-process communication. The large number of message communication implies too much execution of callback functions which wastes CPU resources. It is easy to understand that wasting CPU resources can be one of the causes of high CPU load of Autoware. Besides, a thread may not necessarily be assigned to a callback function even though it is ready to run if the system is too busy to allocate enough CPU time to ready tasks.

I think that overuse of callback functions can be detrimental to a large application like Autoware. I have suggested that Autoware should use the rclcpp:Subscription’s take() method instead of a callback function to reference a topic message. I think that the take() method will give us some advantages;

We believe that the take() method can be helpful for many users and projects. If you want to utilize ROS 2 and want more details than the tutorial, please visit the following page.

Topic message handling guideline - Autoware Documentation

8 posts - 5 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-documentation-on-how-to-take-a-message-from-a-subscriber-without-executing-a-callback-function/38430

ROS Discourse General: How to control cobot arm on Limo in both ROS1 and ROS2?

Limo Cobot is a Limo series robot equipped with a cobot arm base on Limo Pro base. More details please visit: LIMO PRO – Agilex Robotics

Limo Cobot(Pro) can be integrated with both ROS1 and ROS2. In this project the instructions of how to control cobot robotic arm in both ROS1 and ROS2 will be introduced.

Set connection between robot and arm

The Cobot robot has two control methods.

First, you can directly call the API interface to control the robot by assigning six joint angles. This method allows users to directly specify the robot’s motion trajectory and posture, thereby accurately controlling its movements.

Second, Cobot also supports control using MoveIt. Users can set the target point, and MoveIt calculates the six joint angles and sends these angles to the robot. This method is more flexible and can achieve more complex motion planning and control by setting the target point, while also being able to adapt to different work scenarios and needs.

Whether calling the API interface directly or using MoveIt, the Cobot robot can provide efficient and accurate robot control to meet the needs of users in different scenarios.

Open the robot and enter the following interface, where communication configuration is required. Select Transponder and click OK.

Then, choose USB UART and click ok.

When ‘Atom:ok’ shows, the connection is successfull.

Control cobot robotic arm:

Control the Robot Arm Using Sliders

Start the slider control node. Open a new terminal, and enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch mycobot_280 slider_control.launch.py port:=/dev/ttyACM0 baud:=115200

In ros1, please run:

roslaunch mycobot_280 slider_control.launch

and then, run

rosrun mycobot_280 slider_control.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200

to start the real arm.

The angles of the six axes of the real robot arm can be controlled through the slider control interface.

The model follows the real robot arm

To start the model following the robot arm function, open a new terminal and enter:

 ros2 launch mycobot_280 mycobot_follow.launch.py 

In ros1:
Start the robot model, open a new terminal, and enter in the terminal:

roslaunch mycobot_280 mycobot_follow.launch

Start the model follow node:

rosrun mycobot_280 follow_display.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200

After successful startup, the robot arm will be unlocked. At this time, you can use your hand to bend the robot arm, and the model in rviz will follow and move.

Return back to rivz. The model in rviz will follow the real robotic arm.

GUI control robotic arm

Use a simple GUI interface to control the movement of the robotic arm. Start a new terminal and enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch mycobot_280 simple_gui.launch.py

In ros1, run:

roslaunch mycobot_280 simple_gui.launch

After starting up successfully, you can enter the angle information or position information of each joint in the GUI interface.

After setting the angle of the robot arm axis, click the SET button and the robot arm will move to the set position. JAW and pimp are the switches corresponding to the gripper and suction pump device respectively.

Keyboard control

ros2 launch mycobot_280 teleop_keyboard.launch.py

After running this, a interface will appear.

Next, open another terminal and run:

ros2 run mycobot_280 teleop_keyboard

You can see the output:

Mycobot Teleop Keyboard Controller
Movimg options(control coordinations [x,y,z,rx,ry,rz]):

    a(y-)     s(x-)     d(y+)

    z(z-) x(z+)

u(rx+)   i(ry+)   o(rz+)
j(rx-)   k(ry-)   l(rz-)

Gripper control:
    g - open
    h - close

    1 - Go to init pose
    2 - Go to home pose
    3 - Resave home pose
    q - Quit

currently:    speed: 10    change percent: 2

In this terminal, you can control the state of the robot arm and move the robot arm by pressing keys in the terminal.

In ros1:
Use the keyboard to control the machine. Open a new terminal and enter the following in the terminal:

roslaunch mycobot_280 teleop_keyboard.launch

Wait for the terminal to display ready and then open a command line:

rosrun mycobot_280 teleop_keyboard.py

After the startup is successful, you can use the keys w a s d to control the movement of the robot arm.

Moveit control

Open a new terminal and run:

ros2 launch mycobot_280_moveit demo.launch.py 

After running, the following RVIZ interface will appear:

To control the real robot arm through Moveit, you need to enable another command:

ros2 run mycobot_280 sync_plan 

Then you can drag the model on the Moveit to control the real robotic arm.

In ros1:
Start the moveit robot control node, open a new terminal, and enter in the terminal:

roslaunch limo_cobot_moveit_config demo.launch

Start the real robot synchronization node:

rosrun mycobot_280_moveit sync_plan.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200

Move and grab in ROS1

In the mobile grabbing function, use move_base to navigate the Limo robot to the target point location. Once the robot reaches the target position, it triggers the robot arm to perform a grabbing motion by calling the API interface of the robot arm, realizing the complete process of the mobile grabbing function. This combination of navigation and robotic arm control allows the robot to move in dynamic environments and perform grasping tasks.

(1)Open a new terminal, and enter the command to launch the LiDAR:

roslaunch limo_bringup limo_start.launch pub_odom_tf:=false

(2)Open a new terminal, and enter the command to start the navigation.

roslaunch limo_bringup limo_navigation_diff.launch

Record first position.

Drive Limo to the grabbing location and record the second location.

Fill in the data in /home/agilex/agilex_ws/src/set_nav_point/more_task_node.py as shown in the figure.
First one:

Second one:

(3)Start the mobile grabbing function node. Open a new terminal, and enter the command in the terminal:

rosrun set_nav_point more_task_node.py

After successful startup, Limo will go to the grabbing location. After arriving, the robotic arm will perform the grabbing action.

About Limo

If you are interested in Limo or have some technical questions about it, feel free to join AgileX Robotics or AgileX Robotics. Let’s talk about it!

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/how-to-control-cobot-arm-on-limo-in-both-ros1-and-ros2/38395

ROS Discourse General: Cloud Robotics WG Meeting 2024-07-01

Last meeting, we heard from Gui Manzato, who is a Partner and CEO at Ekumen , an engineering services company specialized in robotics. Thank you, Gui!

Next meeting, we will have a few points in our agenda:

  1. Start with a retrospective of how the WG is doing. Any changes that come from this meeting will affect future meetings.
  2. Divide up the work for processing survey results. Some volunteers will be welcome to push this along outside of meetings, as we have spent several meetings on this.
  3. Build a roadmap of what the group is trying to build, working backwards from the deliverables we would like to produce.

The meeting link is here.

Hopefully we will see you there!

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/cloud-robotics-wg-meeting-2024-07-01/38383

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of June 24th, 2024

ROS News for the Week for June 24th, 2024

This week @opfernandez announced a new ROS 2 wrapper node for “Depth Anything V2” that was just published at CVPR 2024.. This new algorithm can translate a conventioal RGB camera image into a depth camera image. Really cool stuff!

Austin Texas is getting its first ROS Meetup! If you are in the area swing by on July 25th.

aa0854c9d72a1d8f9f8e1a7087a5eabf611e5017_2_690x185 (1)
@alsora has a great post explaining all the changes to ROS 2 executors in Jazzy Jalisco. The performance of executors in Jazzy has increased substantially so it is worth checking out the post.

This week we announced the first of many events that are happening in conjunction with ROSCon! Teradyne, the parent company of MiR and Universal Robotics, will be hosting tours of their new research center in Odense on the first day of ROSCon. Details are on the ROSCon website, and you can sign up for a tour during ROSCon registration.




Got a Minute?

Why not answer a couple of questions on Robotics Stack Exchange? Your knowledge and expertise is needed by your colleagues! s

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-june-24th-2024/38382

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Iron Irwini 2024-06-28

We’re happy to announce 2 new packages and 74 updates are now available in ROS 2 Iron Irwini :iron: :irwini: . This sync was tagged as iron/2024-06-28 .

Package Updates for iron

Added Packages [2]:

Updated Packages [74]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-iron-irwini-2024-06-28/38381

ROS Discourse General: Introducing Foxglove integration with rosboard for real-time visualizations

Hi everyone!

At Kiwibot, we develop sidewalk delivery robots. As we continue to deploy an increasing number of Kiwibots worldwide, we realized the necessity for a robust remote debugging tool. While rosbags can be great for this purpose, they tend to become huge files that are hard to distribute and serve only for offline analysis. Often, it is useful to be able to debug the system online and in real-time. Such a tool would allow us to stream topics over a limited bandwidth LTE network connection between the robots and our remote personal computers to visualize and diagnose any problems easily.

Previously, we solved this by introducing the rosboard client. Nonetheless, this required our local setup to have all ROS dependencies installed and involved a cumbersome setup. Fortunately, there is Foxglove, a great web-based alternative that allows excellent debugging and visualization of ROS systems, all by just needing a browser. They offer streaming of topics by running either rosbridge_suite or foxglove_websocket_protocol on the robots’ side. This was our first option when testing, but it consumed a lot of bandwidth and accumulated significant latency over time, which was unsuitable for our case.

As discussed in our previous post, although rosboard was not originally designed for streaming over the Internet, we have seen it overcome these bandwidth and latency problems by relying on a set of subsampling and compression techniques. It requires few dependencies and is easily installable.

The Kiwibot team wanted to have the excellent visualization capabilities of Foxglove while keeping the data transfer advantages of rosboard’s networking protocol. For that reason, we are releasing our Foxglove fork and rosboard fork that were modified to:

You can play with the foxglove version using our docker image from dockerhub and our mentioned rosboard fork. Caveat: at the moment we only support ROS2 systems.


Example of using ngrok to make the robot available to the internet and then connect to the robot using Foxglove to visualize cameras, costmaps, pointcloud and navigation information

Thanks to this new tool, we can simultaneously stream several costmaps, laserscans, RGB images, paths, and transforms in near real-time over a bandwidth-limited LTE cellular network and visualize them using Foxglove without any issues.

With ngrok, you can effortlessly make the server on your robot’s local network accessible over the internet as shown in the demo video.

Credits to @franyol and @charlielito who made this integration possible. Credits to @dheera for developing the rosboard server and all the foxglove team for the amazing visualization tool.

We are thrilled to receive feedback from the community!

Happy debugging!

8 posts - 4 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/introducing-foxglove-integration-with-rosboard-for-real-time-visualizations/38376

ROS Discourse General: Results: Survey on Requirements for Toolchain to Achieve Robust Robot Deliberation

Dear ROS Developers of Autonomous Systems,

in the EU-funded project CONVINCE we wanted to get better insights on and determine requirements for our toolchain to achieve robust deliberation using: verification, planning, monitoring, and learning. Therefore, we advertised a short questionnaire in this thread to get more information on which deliberation language, logic, and engine they are working with and what their needs, problems, etc. are.

We are now able to release the results of the survey. An overview can be found on our website and the detailed answers are available here.

In case of interest, we can also share the raw files of the survey with you.

We hope that the results are also interesting for you and give you more insights on the current needs in the community.


2 posts - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/results-survey-on-requirements-for-toolchain-to-achieve-robust-robot-deliberation/38370

ROS Discourse General: [CFP] Robotics in Africa Forum at IROS 2024

Excited to share our Call for Participation for the Robotics in Africa Forum holding at the IROS 2024!

We invite researchers (including faculty, students, and industry engineers) from, or collaborating with, African institutions to submit a 2-4 page extended abstract following the IEEE conference format. These abstracts should highlight exciting research outcomes, ongoing projects, and demonstrations that showcase the diverse landscape of robotics research and industry initiatives in Africa. The forum organizers will review the submissions, and accepted abstracts will be featured in the poster and demo presentation session during the forum. The results from the forum will be collated into a peer-reviewed publication.

Submission Link: Conference Management Toolkit - Login
Submission format templates: IEEE - Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings
Submission deadline: July 18, 2024

More information can be found on our website: Robotics in Africa Forum at IROS 2024

Organizing Committee

Come share your exciting ROS research with us!

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/cfp-robotics-in-africa-forum-at-iros-2024/38332

ROS Discourse General: ROS Netherlands meetup July 18, 2024

On 2024-07-17T22:00:00Z UTC NXP will be hosting the next local ROS Netherlands meetup in Eindhoven during RoboCup 2024!
This is a perfect chance to connect with ROS enthusiasts, tackle complex robotics challenges, and gain insights from expert presentations. Plus, all attendees get free tickets to the RoboCup event!

Event details

Event agenda

This meetup is free of charge but there is a limited number of seats available! So, register now to secure your spot!

Want to join? Register for the event here!

Lightning talks

We’re still looking for lightning talks! Do you have something interesting to present to, or discuss with, the audience? Then take part in the superfast lightning talks! Registration through the same form as used for registration: Lightning talks form.

Stay connected

You may want to stay connected through this LinkedIn group: Dutch ROS Users Group

4 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-netherlands-meetup-july-18-2024/38323

ROS Discourse General: Nav2 Jazzy Release

Hidy ho, Your Friendly Neighborhood Navigator here to let you know that we’ve just released Nav2 for Jazzy!

Since Iron, we’ve made a TON of great progress:

Nova Carter - Nav2 & New Auto-Docking Server!

You can see a full list of notable updates since Iron in Iron to Jazzy — Nav2 1.0.0 documentation

This is a big release and thank you to all of our now 260+ contributors to Nav2 to continuing to make this project a success! If you’re interested in getting involved, feel free to comment below, ping me on Discourse or Slack! If you’re a company using Nav2 in your product or service, consider reaching out at info@opennav.org to sponsor the project!

Happy Navigating!


1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/nav2-jazzy-release/38321

ROS Discourse General: SMACC WG meeting - Wednesday June 26th

Hi everyone, We are planning to hold the next SMACC WG meeting on Wednesday June 26 at 8:30am Pacific Time.

Here is the meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89361128631?pwd=bVYrVUpnaFZJUXNsSkp6alVSd3VRQT09

Hope to see you there. We’ll be keeping it informal. Sort of like SMACC office hours.

Calendar link is here, but the time listed is incorrect. Correct time is 8:30am Pacific Time.

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/smacc-wg-meeting-wednesday-june-26th/38309

ROS Discourse General: The ROS 2 C++ Executors


starting this topic to spread some awareness around the current status of ROS 2 executors in the rclcpp C++ client library and to discuss their future.
Let’s have a quick look at the available executor classes.

First we have probably the two most famous executors:

The initial implementation of these executors had major performance issues.
So the ROS community spent a good amount of time trying to improve them.
This resulted in a lot of different executors, both open and closed source.
I suggest you to look at the ROSCon 2021 “Executors Workshop”.

Out of all this work, two new executors got into rclcpp:

As part of ROS 2 Jazzy, the rclcpp maintainers did a major rework of the executors, essentially generalizing the concept used for not having to rebuild the list of entities to all executors (that before was used only by the StaticSingleThreadedExecutor and the EventsExecutor).

Let’s have a look at the performance of the executors today, using ROS 2 Rolling and the irobot performance framework.
I created a pseudo-random system with ~40 publishers and ~70 subscriptions spread across 8 executors, let them publish for 60 seconds and I got these numbers (which align with my expectations and previous results):

The conclusions I would like to draw out of this are:

13 posts - 9 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/the-ros-2-c-executors/38296

ROS Discourse General: On the `rclcpp::experimental` namespace

I would like to bring up a discussion about the meaning, purpose and guidelines around the rclcpp::experimental namespace in the rclcpp repository.
This topic was started in last week meeting of the ROS 2 Client Library Working Group.

The rclcpp repository has a very short README describing this namespace:

Notice that headers in this folder should only provide symbols in the rclcpp::experimental namespace.
Also notice that these headers are not considered part of the public API as they have not yet been stabilized.
And therefore they are subject to change without notice.

Having some parts of the client library that are not subject to strict API/ABI requirements is IMO very important to ensure a fast development cycle.

From this description however, it’s not clear when/why a new feature should be placed in this namespace and, most importantly, when/how a feature should be promoted out of it and considered stable.

This namespace currently contains only two features: large parts of the C++ intra-process optimizations and the events-executor.
(fun fact: I was the author of both features, so maybe this is my personal namespace).

I would like to propose the following approach:

Proposal for the promotion evaluation process:

  1. API and roadmap review: do we expect large / breaking changes to the APIs of the feature in the short future? If yes, it may be better to keep it as experimental.
  2. Known issues review: are there known bugs / limitations affecting the feature? If yes, fixing them can be indicated as a requirement before promotion. Note that this item is discretionary, and up to the repository maintainers, depending on the severity of the issues.

The idea is that 1 full-release cycle should allow maintainers and community to get a more clear opinion about the stability of the new feature, and for the main critical bugs and limitations to be discovered.

The possible outcomes of the promotion evaluation process should be that: either the feature is promoted or a clear list of requirements is presented, after which the feature will be automatically promoted.
Once the feature is promoted, a dedicated PR should be created to move it out of the experimental namespace.

FYI @clalancette @wjwwood @tomoyafujita

12 posts - 7 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/on-the-rclcpp-experimental-namespace/38295

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of June 17th, 2024

ROS News for the week of June 17th, 2024

ROSCon France was this week in Nantes, here’s a group shot of the sold out conference!

CVPR was this week. I’ve dropped a list of robotics related CVPR papers below. Pictured above is “GARField Group Anything with Radiance Fields” from UC Berkeley and Luma.ai.

Our friends at PickNik have been awarded three NASA SBIR grants for SpaceROS!

After a successful Open Sauce pre-party last Friday I ended up getting a loaner badge for Open Sauce. Here’s a photo dump of robots from the event. Pictured is Kev from Kev’s robots. I am going to try and put together an OSRF booth next year!




Got a minute? :timer_clock:

Why not help us answer a few questions on ROS Discord? You can find a link to ROS Discord and all of our other websites here.

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-june-17th-2024/38289

ROS Discourse General: New Packages for Noetic 2024-06-20

We’re happy to announce 4 new packages and 20 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2024-06-20.

Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!

Package Updates for ROS Noetic

Added Packages [4]:

Updated Packages [20]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

3 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-noetic-2024-06-20/38278

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Humble Hawksbill 2024-06-20

Package Updates for Humble

Added Packages [62]:

Updated Packages [63]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

Difference between ‘file:///var/repos/ubuntu/main/dists/jammy/main/binary-arm64/Packages’ and ‘file:///var/repos/ubuntu/testing/dists/jammy/main/binary-arm64/Packages’ computed at 2024-06-20-21:16:48

Package Updates for humble

Added Packages [62]:

Updated Packages [63]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-humble-hawksbill-2024-06-20/38277

2024-07-13 12:36