These are the verbosity levels used by rosconsole and rospy/Overview/Logging
- Information that you never need to see if the system is working properly. Examples:
- "Received a message on topic X from caller Y"
- "Sent 20 bytes on socket 9".
- Small amounts of information that may be useful to a user. Examples:
- "Node initialized"
- "Advertised on topic X with message type Y"
- "New subscriber to topic X: Y"
- Information that the user may find alarming, and may affect the output of the application, but is part of the expected working of the system. Examples:
"Could not load configuration file from <path>. Using defaults."
- Something serious (but recoverable) has gone wrong. Examples:
- "Haven't received an update on topic X for 10 seconds. Stopping robot until X continues broadcasting."
- "Received unexpected NaN value in transform X. Skipping..."
- Something unrecoverable has happened. Examples:
- "Motors have caught fire!"