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Package Summary

This package provides information about the mild's kinematic chain and contains launch-files to publish the chain to a robot_state_publisher

Package Summary

This package provides information about the mild's kinematic chain and contains launch-files to publish the chain to a robot_state_publisher

Package Summary

This package provides information about the mild's kinematic chain and contains launch-files to publish the chain to a robot_state_publisher



This package provides a description of the robot's kinematic chain containing all relevant frames as well as both static transformations and dynamic joints connecting frames among each other.

height="590",width="335" height="590",width="335"

Left: The robot's rotational and translational degrees of freedom. Right: Overview over the robot's most important frames and transformations.


The mild's kinematic chain is described in robot_description/mild.urdf within this package. (See the ros wiki for a detailed explanation of the urdf format)

The kinematic chain consists of two major parts: The robot's environment (map) as well as the robot's base and the camera-system including PTU, Guppy-Cameras (and Kinect as an optional component). The fixed reference Frame is in the PTU and is called /ptu_pan_link.

Map to Robot Base

PTU Base to Camera



Needed packages

run depend:

Needed hardware

For simulation nothing is needed. Additional hardware components:

Start system

The transformation publisher is usually not run directly from this package. Instead, use the launch files provided in asr_mild_navigation.

The following launch file can be used to publish additional transformations needed for the use of a mounted kinect camera:

roslaunch asr_mild_kinematic_chain transformation_publishers_kinect_left.launch


See asr_mild_navigation for tutorials on how to set up the full kinematic chain.

2024-09-28 12:57