Notes on converting player code to ROS BUILD TREE ---------- ROS code is organized into stacks and packages. Stacks are subdirectories in the tree with package directories inside them. Each stack or package has a global name in the ROS package name space, so their directory names need to be unique and descriptive. A stack directory is identified by its file. The rosstack command should be able to find and print information about it.|(creating) A package directory is identified by a manifest.xml file describing its name, authors, licences, exports and dependencies. Once that file exists, the rospack command should be able to find and print information about it. Remove any old SConscript files, they are replaced by CMakeLists.txt in the ROS build scheme. You should be able to build any package using the rosmake command. DRIVERS ------- Convert player drivers to ROS nodes. The class inherited from the player Driver class is no longer needed and just adds unnecessary complexity. Make a simple C++ main program, something like this: int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, NODE); ros::NodeHandle node; // topics to read and write brake_cmd = node.subscribe(NODE "/cmd", 10, ProcessCommand, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(true)); brake_state = node.advertise(NODE "/state", 10); if (GetParameters() != 0) // from the player constructor return 1; ros::Rate cycle(HERTZ_BRAKE); // set driver cycle rate if (Setup() != 0) // from the player Setup() return 2; // Main loop; grab messages off our queue and republish them via ROS while(ros::ok()) { ... // activities from player Main() cycle.sleep(); // sleep until next cycle } Shutdown(); return 0; } INTERFACES ---------- Most player interfaces have ROS equivalents, here are some examples. The player code snippet is shown first, followed by an indented ROS version, with comments (where appropriate). ART_ERROR(msg); ROS_ERROR(msg) or ROS_FATAL(msg), depending on severity. ART_MSG(level, msg); ROS_INFO(msg) if infrequent, or ROS_DEBUG(msg) if recurring The verbose configuration parameter is not needed. Use rxloggerlevel command to turn debug output on or off dynamically at run time. Much nicer. ART_WARN(msg); ROS_WARN(msg); DTOR(deg); angles::from_degees(deg); // This requires adding to your // manifest.xml, then adding #include to the source // file. extern PlayerTime* GlobalTime; GlobalTime->GetTimeDouble(&time); double time = ros::Time::now().toSec(); // main loop for(;;) { // see if we are supposed to exit pthread_testcancel(); ... // main loop while(ros::ok()) { ... PLAYER_ERROR(msg); ROS_ERROR(msg) or ROS_FATAL(msg), depending on severity. PLAYER_MSGn(level, msg); ROS_INFO(msg) if infrequent, or ROS_DEBUG(msg) if recurring PLAYER_WARN(msg); ROS_WARN(msg); const char *port; // tty port name port = cf->ReadString(section, "port", "/dev/null"); PLAYER_MSG1(2, CLASS " constructor: brake port = %s", port); // use private node handle to get parameters ros::NodeHandle mynh("~"); std::string port; // tty port name if (!mynh.getParam("port", port)) port = "/dev/null"; ROS_INFO("brake port = %s", port.c_str()); RTOD(rad); angles::to_degrees(rad); // See DTOR() for dependencies.