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Package Summary

The dmu_ros package:


DMU11 is a low-cost IMU (6-DOF) produced by Silicon Sensing. It combines MEMS angular rate and linear acceleration sensors to create a six-degrees-of-freedom (6-DOF) IMU for complete motion sensing and control in three-dimensional space. DMU11 is suitable for a wide range of applications and is calibrated over the full rated temperature range. For further information regarding the sensor, refer to the official website(https://www.siliconsensing.com/products/inertial-modules-systems/dmu11/).

Installation from source

The package we have developed, contains the driver of DMU11, and a launch file which visualizes readings coming from the sensor. This package is built on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x64 running ROS Kinetic. To install, clone the repository into catkin workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src  
git clone https://github.com/leo-muhendislik/dmu_ros.git   

After copying source files into src directory, you build it from root directory as follows:

cd ~/catkin_ws

After building, you source the setup.bash:

source devel/setup.bash


Now you are ready to go. Connect your sensor to your PC and make sure which port is assigned to it. Then set the value of device parameter inside the launch file to the name of the port assigned to your sensor:

<param name="device" value="/dev/ttyUSB0"/>

Now just run this command:

roslaunch dmu_ros dmu11.launch

Sensor data is published at a rate of 200Hz on the /imu/data_raw topic as sensor_msgs/Imu message.

2025-03-29 15:58