Basic Tutorials
- Viewing Your First Point Cloud in RViz
This tutorial introduces the basic Ensenso camera node. We will open an Ensenso camera, request a point cloud and view it in RViz.
- Setting Parameters
This tutorial shows how to set camera parameters.
Camera Frames and Calibrations
- Camera Frames
This tutorial explains the different frames defined in the ensenso_camera_node or ensenso_camera_mono_node and how the 3D data is transformed.
- Locating Calibration Patterns
This tutorial covers how calibration patterns can be located.
- Performing a Hand-Eye Calibration
This tutorial shows how a hand-eye calibration can be performed with the Ensenso camera node.
- Performing a Workspace Calibration
This tutorial shows how a workspace calibration can be performed with the Ensenso camera node.
Using Several Cameras as Nodelets
- Running a Camera as a Nodelet
This tutorial explains you how to run a camera as a nodelet with a nodelet manager.
- Camera Frames with Multiple Cameras
This tutorial explains on how to use the different frames defined in the ensenso_camera_node or ensenso_camera_mono_node, when using multiple cameras
- Running several Ensenso Nodelets
This tutorial shows how to run several cameras as nodelets within the same nodelet manager.
- Generating a colored Point Cloud with Nodelets
This tutorial shows how to run a stereo and mono nodelet and how to generate a colored point cloud.
- Running a C-Series Camera with two Nodelets
This tutorial shows how to run a C-Series camera with a stereo and a mono nodelet and how to generate a colored point cloud.
- Register a depth image to a mono camera frame with Nodelets.
This tutorial shows how to run a stereo and mono nodelet and how to register the depth image to the mono camera frame with the depth_image_proc/register nodelet.
Additional Tutorials
- Visualizing Data
This tutorial introduces some utility scripts for visualizing data from Ensenso cameras.
- Using the Ensenso URDF Files
This tutorial introduces and shows how to use launch files, that generate the corresponding URDF files of the Ensenso cameras.
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