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Package Summary
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Chris Bollinger <chris AT hebirobotics DOT com>, Hariharan Ravichandran <hariharan AT hebirobotics DOT com>
- Author: Chris Bollinger <chris AT hebirobotics DOT com>, Matthew Tesch <matt AT hebirobotics DOT com>
- License: Apache License 2.0
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: master)
The HEBI CPP API package wraps the HEBI C++ API, allowing direct usage of the API from a ROS node coded in C++.
Using from your own project
To add this as a dependency in your package, add to your package.xml file: <depend>hebi_cpp_api</depend>
and in your package's CMakeLists.txt file, add to the find_package(catkin REQUIRED) statement: hebi_cpp_api
Also, in your catkin_package statement, ensure hebi_cpp_api is listed in the CATKIN_DEPENDS.
We have a set of examples of this C++ API wrapped into nodes, from controlling a single actuator to prebuild arms and mobile bases, at: