Groovy (0.2.x versions)
0.2.3 (26.05.2013)
hector_sensors_description: cleaned up urdf xacro code
hector_sensors_description: fixed the generic_camera gazebo plugin description for groovy (bb77308)
hector_sensors_description: fixed scale of kinect_camera and asus_camera meshes
0.2.2 (13.05.2013)
hector_sensors_description: updated gazebo plugin description to SDF 1.3
- branched from version 0.1.2
Fuerte (0.1.x versions)
0.1.3 (26.05.2013)
- See 0.2.3.
0.1.2 (13.05.2013)
hector_sensors_description/hector_xacro_tools: added missing dependency to the xacro package
hector_sensors_description: updated y-origin of rgb frame in kinect_camera.urdf.xacro
0.1.1 (07.02.2013)
hector_sensors_description: added a model for the Asus Xtion Pro
hector_sensors_description: separated xacro macros to add the kinect or asus depth cameras either with or without the gazebo tag and added links for the camera internal frames (depth_frame, depth_optical_frame, rgb_frame, rgb_optical_frame)
hector_sensors_description: added realistic weight and inertia for the Hokuyo UTM-30LX
0.1.0 (04.09.2012)
- initial release