Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
irobot_create_2_1 is a ROS driver for the iRobot iCreate.
- Author: Graylin Trevor Jay, Brian Thomas
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
The Brown ROS Create Driver
The only external dependency of the driver is python-serial.
Provided the external dependencies are satisfied:
rosmake irobot_create_2_1
should work properly.
In its own terminal you will need to run roscore:
You can then run the create driver via:
rosrun irobot_create_2_1
The node will assume the robot is attached to /dev/ttyUSB0 if it is not:
rosparam set /brown/irobot_create_2_1/port PORT
or an equivalent should be executed prior to running the driver, where PORT is the port to which the robot is actually attached.
Additionally, you can check ROS/Create functionality by running:
rosrun irobot_create_2_1
while also running the driver. This will run a primitive bump and go program using the ROS driver. is a good place for new ROS users to get started with writing Brown ROS driver based programs.
Messages and Services
Newly proposed, mistyped, or obsolete package. Could not find package "irobot_create_2_1" in rosdoc: /var/www/
The ROS driver provides the following services:
- Brake: takes in a single boolean. When the boolean is true (e.g. 1), stops the robot.
- Circle: takes in three parameters: clear (a boolean), speed, and radius. speed sets the forward speed in mm/s from -500 to 500 mm/s (negative speeds move the robot backwards). radius is used to set the radius of the circle in mm that the robot will move along.
- Demo: takes in a number and puts the robot into the equivalent demo mode (see the Open Interface documentation from iRobot). Requesting demo mode 255 will stop whatever demo is currently running.
- Leds: takes in four parameters. advance (a boolean), which it then sets the advance Led to (true is on). play (again a boolean), which it then sets the play Led to. color a number between 0-255. The power Led can vary in color between pure green (0) and pure red (255). color is used to set this color. Finally intensity is the parameter used to set the brightness of the power led from off (0) to full on (255).
- Tank: takes in three parameters: clear (a boolean), left, and right. left and right are used to set the left and right wheel velocities respectively. They can vary between -500 and 500 and are interpreted as mm/s with negative velocities moving backward.
- Turn: takes in two parameters: clear (a boolean), and turn. turn is a velocity in mm/s. Positive velocities turn the robot in place clockwise. Negative velocities turn the robot in place counter-clockwise.
Unless otherwise stated, all of these services return a boolean indicating whether the service call was successful or not.
The driver publishes a single message type, which exports all of the robot's sensory information:
Header header bool wheeldropCaster bool wheeldropLeft bool wheeldropRight bool bumpLeft bool bumpRight bool wall bool cliffLeft bool cliffFronLeft bool cliffFrontRight bool cliffRight bool virtualWall uint8 infraredByte bool advance bool play int16 distance int16 angle uint8 chargingState uint16 voltage int16 current int8 batteryTemperature uint16 batteryCharge uint16 batteryCapacity uint16 wallSignal uint16 cliffLeftSignal uint16 cliffFrontLeftSignal uint16 cliffFrontRightSignal uint16 cliffRightSignal bool homeBase bool internalCharger uint8 songNumber uint8 songPlaying
All of the fields within the message (with the exception of the header) are equivalent to sensor packets available within the iRobot Create Open Interface. For details about the meaning of the packets, see the iRobot Open Interface documentation.
Some of the services accept a clear parameter. When asserted, along with having the desired motion effect the service call will also reset the current distance and angle tracking.