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markov_decision_making: mdm_library | predicate_manager | topological_tools

Package Summary

Markov Decision Making (MDM) is a ROS library for robot decision-making based on MDPs. This metapackage contains: the Markov Decision Making Library itself (mdm_library), the auxiliary packages Predicate Manager (predicate_manager) and Topological Tools (topological_tools), and an example application of MDM (mdm_example)


Markov Decision Making (MDM) is a library to support the deployment of decision-making methodologies based on Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) to teams of robots using ROS.

MDM helps you map between the abstract representations of states, actions and observations that are used in decision-theoretic frameworks, and the actual actuators and sensors of your robots. It also interprets your decision-making policies and lets you configure an appropriate run-time execution strategy. Note that MDM isn't a solver / planning algorithm for decision-theoretic problems. For that you can use ROS-independent toolboxes such as MADP. But once you have a decision-theoretic policy, MDM helps you execute that policy on your robot.

Notable features include:

MDM has been used (and is being used) in several international research projects, including MAIS+S; SocRob; and TERESA.


In the following sections, you can find a light technical description of MDM, and information on how to use the library for your own MDP-based applications. For a more in-depth look into MDM, you can also refer to the following technical report.

For an overview of the concepts underlying MDM, please see the page MDM Concepts.

You can find examples of how to implement each MDM layer in the Tutorials.

MDM is modular and meant to be flexible and easy to adapt to your own applications. You can find more information on various specialized use-cases of MDM in the page: Deploying MDM: Considerations for Specialized Scenarios.


Q: Does MDM support <My favorite framework>-MDPs?
A: There are so many generalizations and variants of the MDP framework that it is virtually impossible to design a library that supports all of them out-of-the-box. Rather than trying to explicitly support all MDP variants, MDM gives you the building blocks that you can use (and adapt) to put together a decision-theoretic controller for your robot(s). The underlying motivation is much of the implementation work that goes into deploying a decision-theoretic control policy can be re-used across different robot applications, regardless of the particular MDP variant that you're using. However, if you adapt MDM to your own application, you're encouraged to contribute to the library with your own modifications, since that may help other users in the future. Feel free to contact us, in that case!

Q: What's with the predicates? I want a grid world!
A: Without going into a discussion as to why regular discretizations aren't a particularly good idea, note that as long as your state space is discrete and finite, then your states can be indexed by a fixed-length string of logical values (i.e. in binary). In other words, as long as you have enough predicates, you can represent any (finite) discrete state space. The predicate_manager package is lightweight and designed to handle a very large number of predicates, if needed. If you really want a "grid world"-like representation of your state space, you can either write a generic IsInCellX predicate and instantiate it for each your cells, or use the pose_labeler package (included in topological_tools) together with a map of the environment in which each cell is uniquely colored.

Q: That's nice, but my state / action space is continuous.. How can I implement those?
A: Although the default MDM State and Action Layers implicitly describe discrete state and action spaces, you can potentially use the same node layout, and implement a State Layer that outputs real-valued scalars or vectors; a Control Layer that maps that into a real-valued action, and an Action Layer that just maps those into actuator controls. We don't have any plans at this time to extend MDM by ourselves to continuously-valued domains, but if you're interested in doing so, please feel free to contact us.

Q: I see that by default, the control layer accepts a pre-computed policy. Does MDM support Reinforcement Learning?
A: Yes, there is a (currently experimental) branch in the Git repository that already supports some of the most basic RL algorithms for MDPs (Q-learning, SARSA).

2024-09-28 14:19