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Only released in EOL distros:  

mrl_robots: mrl_robots_2dnav | mrl_robots_description | mrl_robots_drivers | mrl_robots_sensors | mrl_robots_teleop

Package Summary

Drivers to control and acquiring data from the sensors set equipped in the StingBot and Traxbot robots in ROS. Developed at ISR, University of Coimbra


ROS Drivers for the Stingbot and Traxbot Robots, developed at MRL-ISR-UC.
Note: This package depends on cereal_port from the serial_communication stack.

The dust sensor was connected to a digital port, the alcohol sensor to an analogic port and the thermopile array sensor via I2C Arduino ports. The data exchanged between the Arduino board and the netbooks was handled using a ROS driver developed in our previous work. To directly classify the contextual information, the ROS SVM classifier ml_classifier was used. The SVM classifier works in an online. The ROS 3D visualization tool rviz is used for an augmented representation of the output classes. The rviz representation of each class was achieved by filling the virtual arena with markers of different colors, accord-ing with the classification output sent from the ml_classifier.


Dust sensor model PPD42NS

Thermopile Array sensor model TPA81

Alcohol sensor model MQ303A

Nodes: stingbot_sensors_node / traxbot_sensors_node

Similar Arduino-based drivers for the Stingbot and Traxbot robots. The difference between the two nodes resides in robot specific parameters.


rosrun mrl_robots_sensors stingbot_sensors_node [serial_port]

rosrun mrl_robots_sensors traxbot_sensors_node [serial_port]

The optional parameter serial_port defines the serial port to communicate with the Arduino Board (Default: /dev/ttyACM0).

Subscribed topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

sensors_classiffication (std_msgs/String)

Published Topics

odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)

robot_sensors (geometry_msgs/Vector3)

robot_ldr_sensor (std_msgs/Float32)

tf transforms provided


Node: rviz_markers_classification

Rviz classification markers.


rviz_markers_classification provides the classification markers during the robot navigation.

width=250 width=350

TraxBot and Pioneer 3DX models in rviz with classifications markers.


rosrun rviz rviz

rosrun mrl_robots_sensors traxbot_sensors_node [serial_port]

The optional parameter serial_port defines the serial port to communicate with the Arduino Board (Default: /dev/ttyACM0).

rosrun mrl_robots_sensors rviz_markers_classification

Subscribed topics

odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)

sensors_classiffication (std_msgs/String)

robot_sensors (geometry_msgs/Vector3)

Published Topics

visualization_marker_robot (visualization_msgs/Marker)

2024-09-28 14:21