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Only released in EOL distros:  

openni_kinect: nite | openni | openni_camera | openni_camera_unstable | openni_tracker

Package Summary

This is a meta package to pull in the dependencies for NITE and export the necessary build flags.

openni_kinect: depth_image_proc | nite | openni | openni_camera | openni_launch | openni_tracker

Package Summary

This is a meta package to pull in the dependencies for NITE and export the necessary build flags.

openni_kinect: nite | openni | openni_camera_deprecated

Package Summary

Meta package to pull in the dependencies for NITE and export the necessary build flags. This package is deprecated in Fuerte; compile directly against the system dependency instead. See the wiki docs for migration instructions.


NITE is a binary distribution from PrimeSense offering skeleton tracking, hand point tracking, and gesture recognition. It is integrated with the OpenNI framework. See http://www.primesense.com/technology/nite3 for more information about NITE.

As a ROS user, you may find it more convenient to use openni_tracker than NITE directly. openni_tracker uses NITE to track your skeleton, and publishes the skeleton frames over tf.

In Electric and Diamondback, to use NITE directly in your packages you would depend on the nite wrapper package. As of Fuerte the nite package is deprecated, and you should link against the system installation as described in the migration guide.

Fuerte migration guide

manifest.xml (depending on NITE)

Instead of depending on the nite package, declare the following rosdeps in your manifest.xml:

<rosdep name="openni-dev" />
<rosdep name="ps-engine" />
<rosdep name="nite-dev"/>

Now rosdep install MY_AWESOME_PACKAGE will install OpenNI, the ps-engine device driver, and NITE.

If you provide headers included by code in other packages, and those headers use OpenNI and/or NITE, then you must also export the flags:

  <cpp cflags="-I/usr/include/openni -I/usr/include/nite" />

CMakeLists.txt (linking against NITE)

The OpenNI and NITE headers are installed in /usr/include/openni and /usr/include/nite, respectively. In your CMakeLists.txt, add the include directories:

include_directories(/usr/include/openni /usr/include/nite)

NITE is loaded dynamically by the OpenNI framework, so link your binaries against OpenNI:

rosbuild_add_executable(my_awesome_demo src/my_awesome_demo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_awesome_demo OpenNI)

my_code.cpp (using NITE in your code)

You can access the OpenNI C++ wrapper in your code with:

   1 #include <XnCppWrapper.h>

NITE is a module providing APIs like UserGenerator. See the OpenNI documentation for more information.

2024-10-05 14:22