Verifying the Calibration
Once the robot is calibrated, we need to do a sanity check on the sensor streams to ensure that they're calibrated. All of these checks will be done through rviz.
Restart the robot:
sudo robot stop sudo robot start
On the robot, start moving the tilt scanner
rosrun pr2_calibration_launch laser_tilt_controller
To easily move the arms, you can start mannequin mode
roslaunch pr2_mannequin_mode pr2_mannequin_mode.launch
On your local machine, bring up rviz:
source /opt/ros/fuerte/ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://prXXXX:11311 rosrun rviz rviz
Check various sensor pairs
Ensure that both the fixed frame and target frame are in the base_link
- Narrow Stereo against both arms
Bring up narrow_stereo/points point cloud view
- Verify that point cloud matches up with robot model
- Wide Stereo against both arms
Bring up wide_stereo/points point cloud view
- Verify that point cloud matches up with robot model
- Forearm cameras against both arms
Bring up r_forearm_cam/image_rect & l_forearm_cam/image_rect camera views
- Make sure robot model matches up with both arms in images
- Tilt laser against arms
Bring up tilt_scan laser scan view
- Make sure robot model arms both match up with points
- Tilt laser against wide stereo
Bring up tilt_scan laser scan view
Bring up wide_stereo/left/image_rect camera view
- Place large checkerboard in view of camera
- Verify that laser points on checkerboard match up with image
- Tilt laser against narrow stereo
Bring up tilt_scan laser scan view
Bring up narrow_stereo/left/image_rect camera view
- Place large checkerboard in view of camera
- Verify that laser points on checkerboard match up with image