0.5.0 (11/04/2012)
- first Groovy release
0.3.4 (03/07/2011)
- fixed for changes in plugin API (kinematics-0.3.3)
0.3.3 (02/03/2011)
- regenerated stack.xml
0.3.2 (02/01/2011)
- fixed bug in forward kinematics where it was not choosing the right set of joints.
0.3.1 (01/05/2011)
- all packages from pr2_kinematics_with_constraints have moved here.
0.3.0 (12/27/2010)
- new release from trunk into unstable
0.2.3 (06/22/2010)
- services come up only after node is fully active
- pluginlib implementation of pr2_arm_kinematics for use with planners - uses the new kinematics base class from the kinematics stack
- ability to apply user-specified constraints through a callback structure
0.2.2 (05/15/2010)
- Change in pr2_arm_ik - upperarm_roll is no longer wrapped when solution is output from ik solver.
- pr2_arm_ik renamed to pr2_arm_kinematics
- node names changed to pr2_right_arm_kinematics, pr2_left_arm_kinematics
- now offers separate solver information services for fk and ik
- ik only offered for wrist_roll_link and not for all links
- fk offered for all links in chain
- simplified callback structure - callbacks will be called only with pose, jnt_array and error_code