<contact> element
This element describes a contact attached to the robot body.
Here is a example of the contact element:
1 <contact name="l_sole_contact" link="l_sole">
2 <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
3 <geometry>
4 <box size="0.05 0.05 0.05" />
5 </geometry>
6 <limit normal_force="400" />
7 </contact>
name (required)
- The name of the contact itself
link (required)
- The name of the link on which the contact is attached.
<origin> (optional: defaults to identity if not specified)
- The reference frame of the visual element with respect to the reference frame of the link.
xyz (optional: defaults to zero vector)
Represents the
rpy (optional: defaults to identity if not specified)
- Represents the fixed axis roll, pitch and yaw angles in radians.
<geometry> (required)
The shape of the visual object. This can be one of the following:
size attribute contains the three side lengths of the box. The origin of the box is in its center.
- Contact is considered valid when the reaction force is going toward the box interior.
- surface, going toward the outside.
Specify the radius and length. The origin of the cylinder is in its center.
- Contact is considered valid when the reaction force is going toward the cylinder interior.
Specify the radius. The origin of the sphere is in its center.
- Contact is considered valid when the reaction force is going toward the sphere interior.
A trimesh element specified by a filename, and an optional scale that scales the mesh's axis-aligned-bounding-box. The mesh file is not transferred between machines referencing the same model. It must be a local file.
- Contact is considered valid when the reaction force is collinear with the surface normal and of opposite direction.
<limit> (optional)
- Limitations to take into consideration when the contact is active.
normal_force (optional)
- Maximum reaction force allowed in this contact zone. Balance and robot integrity is not guaranteed if a larger force is applied.
- The reference frame of the visual element with respect to the reference frame of the link.