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Package Summary

rl_common is a package of common RL files needed by both the agent and the environment. Mainly the interfaces defining their class methods, and some other utility methods.


This package defines interfaces for agents, environments, models, and plannersin the file core.hh. All agents, environments, models, and planners should inherit from their appropriate base class.

Please take a look at the tutorial on how to install, compile, and use this package.

Check out the code at: https://github.com/toddhester/rl-texplore-ros-pkg


First, an experience <s,a,r,s'> tuple is defined, which is used to update the model. The state s the agent came from is a vector of floats, the action it took is an int, the reward it received is a float, and the next state s' it transitioned to is a vector of floats. In addition, there's a bool indicating if the transition was terminal or not. Full documentation for the experience struct is available here.


StateActionInfo is the struct that the model must return when quering the model for its predictions for a given state action. It has a confidence (a float), a boolean telling if it is a 'known' transition or not, a float predicting the reward, a float predicting the termination probability, and a map of states (vectors of floats) to floats that gives the probabilities of next states. Full documentation for the StateActionInfo struct is available here.


Agent is defined with a number of methods. Mainly it has first_action(state) which is called for the first action in an episode and returns an action. After that next_action(reward, state) should be called, which returns an action. Finally upon reaching a terminal state, last_action(reward) can be called. In addition to these methods, seedExp(vector of experiences) can be used to seed the agent with a set of experiences. Full documentation for the Agent class is available here.


The environment has a sensation() method which returns the current state vector and a terminal() method tells if the agent is in a terminal state or not. The agent can act upon the environment by calling apply(action) which returns a reward. A set of experience seeds to initialize agents is available using the getSeedings() method. There are also a number of methods to get information about the environment such as getNumActions, getMinMaxFeatures, getMinMaxReward, and isEpisodic. Full documentation for the Environment class is available here.


The Markov Decision Process model only has four methods that it must implement:

Full documentation for the MDPModelclass is available here.


A planner must implement a few methods. Here are the key ones:

Full documentation for the Planner class is available here.

2024-09-28 14:28