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This page contains a collection of code fragments demonstrating the use of the rosbag APIs.



rosbag python package uses Cryptodomex and gnupg packages. They can be installed via pip using:

$ pip3 install pycryptodomex python-gnupg

Rewrite bag with header timestamps

To replace message timestamps in a bag with header timestamps:

   1 import rosbag
   3 with rosbag.Bag('output.bag', 'w') as outbag:
   4     for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag('input.bag').read_messages():
   5         # This also replaces tf timestamps under the assumption 
   6         # that all transforms in the message share the same timestamp
   7         if topic == "/tf" and msg.transforms:
   8             outbag.write(topic, msg, msg.transforms[0].header.stamp)
   9         else:
  10             outbag.write(topic, msg, msg.header.stamp if msg._has_header else t)

This is useful in the case that the message receipt time substantially differs from the generation time, e.g. when messages are recorded over an unreliable or slow connection.

Note that this could potentially change the order in which messages are republished by rosbag play.

Add metadata to a bag

To add metadata to an existing bag:

   1 import rosbag
   2 import rospy
   4 with rosbag.Bag('input.bag', 'a') as bag:
   5     from std_msgs.msg import String
   6     metadata_msg = String(data='my metadata')
   7     bag.write('/metadata', metadata_msg, rospy.Time(bag.get_end_time()))

Note that appending the message with a time stamp earlier than the latest stamp in the bag will affect the duration reported by rosbag info.

Get summary information about a bag

To get information about a bag (as returned by rosbag info) as a Python object:

   1 import subprocess, yaml
   3 info_dict = yaml.load(subprocess.Popen(['rosbag', 'info', '--yaml', 'input.bag'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0])

Or, equivalently:

   1 import yaml
   2 from rosbag.bag import Bag
   4 info_dict = yaml.load(Bag('input.bag', 'r')._get_yaml_info())

Get lists of topics and types from a bag

   1 import rosbag
   2 bag = rosbag.Bag('input.bag')
   3 topics = bag.get_type_and_topic_info()[1].keys()
   4 types = []
   5 for val in bag.get_type_and_topic_info()[1].values():
   6     types.append(val[0])

Create a cropped bagfile

For example if you just want the first 100 messages.

   1 import rosbag
   3 num_msgs = 100
   5 with rosbag.Bag('output.bag', 'w') as outbag:
   6     for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag('input.bag').read_messages():
   7         while num_msgs:
   8             outbag.write(topic, msg, t)
   9             num_msgs -= 1

Reorder a Bag File Based on Header Timestamps

Rearranges the messages inside a file to ensure they are played back in the order of their timestamps; messages on /tf are played back one second ahead of time to ensure they are available at the time they are referenced.

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 import sys
   3 import rosbag
   4 import time
   5 import subprocess
   6 import yaml
   7 import rospy
   8 import os
   9 import argparse
  10 import math
  11 from shutil import move
  13 try:
  14     from yaml import CSafeLoader as Loader
  15 except ImportError:
  16     from yaml import SafeLoader as Loader
  18 def status(length, percent):
  19   sys.stdout.write('\x1B[2K') # Erase entire current line
  20   sys.stdout.write('\x1B[0E') # Move to the beginning of the current line
  21   progress = "Progress: ["
  22   for i in range(0, length):
  23     if i < length * percent:
  24       progress += '='
  25     else:
  26       progress += ' '
  27   progress += "] " + str(round(percent * 100.0, 2)) + "%"
  28   sys.stdout.write(progress)
  29   sys.stdout.flush()
  32 def main(args):
  33   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Reorder a bagfile based on header timestamps.')
  34   parser.add_argument('bagfile', nargs=1, help='input bag file')
  35   parser.add_argument('--max-offset', nargs=1, help='max time offset (sec) to correct.', default='60', type=float)
  36   args = parser.parse_args()
  38   # Get bag duration  
  40   bagfile = args.bagfile[0]
  42   output = subprocess.Popen(['rosbag', 'info', '--yaml', bagfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
  43   print(output)
  44   info_dict = yaml.load(output, Loader)
  45   duration = info_dict['duration']
  46   start_time = info_dict['start']
  48   orig = os.path.splitext(bagfile)[0] + ".orig.bag"
  50   move(bagfile, orig)
  52   with rosbag.Bag(bagfile, 'w') as outbag:
  54     last_time = time.process_time()
  55     for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag(orig).read_messages():
  57       if time.process_time() - last_time > .1:
  58           percent = (t.to_sec() - start_time) / duration
  59           status(40, percent)
  60           last_time = time.process_time()
  62       # This also replaces tf timestamps under the assumption 
  63       # that all transforms in the message share the same timestamp
  64       if topic == "/tf" and msg.transforms:
  65         # Writing transforms to bag file 1 second ahead of time to ensure availability
  66         diff = math.fabs(msg.transforms[0].header.stamp.to_sec() - t.to_sec())
  67         outbag.write(topic, msg, msg.transforms[0].header.stamp - rospy.Duration(1) if diff < args.max_offset else t)
  68       elif msg._has_header:
  69         diff = math.fabs(msg.header.stamp.to_sec() - t.to_sec())
  70         outbag.write(topic, msg, msg.header.stamp if diff < args.max_offset else t)
  71       else:
  72         outbag.write(topic, msg, t)
  73   status(40, 1)
  74   print("\ndone")
  76 if __name__ == "__main__":
  77   main(sys.argv[1:])

Export message contents to CSV

This snippet looks through the messages in a bagfile and writes them to a CSV when they meet certain conditions.

   1 import sys
   2 import os
   3 import csv
   4 import rosbag
   5 import rospy
   7 ##################
   9 # Creates CSV files of the robot joint states from a rosbag (for visualization with e.g. pybullet)
  10 # 
  12 # rosrun your_package get_jstate_csvs.py /root/catkin_ws/bagfiles your_bagfile.bag
  13 # ##################
  15 filename = sys.argv[2]
  16 directory = sys.argv[1]
  17 print("Reading the rosbag file")
  18 if not directory.endswith("/"):
  19   directory += "/"
  20 extension = ""
  21 if not filename.endswith(".bag"):
  22   extension = ".bag"
  23 bag = rosbag.Bag(directory + filename + extension)
  25 # Create directory with name filename (without extension)
  26 results_dir = directory + filename[:-4] + "_results"
  27 if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
  28   os.makedirs(results_dir)
  30 print("Writing robot joint state data to CSV")
  32 with open(results_dir +"/"+filename+'_joint_states.csv', mode='w') as data_file:
  33   data_writer = csv.writer(data_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
  34   data_writer.writerow(['time', 'robot_elbow_joint', 'robot_shoulder_lift_joint', 
  35   'robot_shoulder_pan_joint', 'robot_wrist_1_joint', 'robot_wrist_2_joint', 'robot_wrist_3_joint'])
  36   # Get all message on the /joint states topic
  37   for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['/joint_states']):
  38     # Only write to CSV if the message is for our robot
  39     if msg.name[0] == "robot_elbow_joint":
  40       p = msg.position
  41       data_writer.writerow([t, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]])
  43 print("Finished creating csv file!")
  44 bag.close()


Get Rosbag Duration

In this example, we're extracing the full duration of the entire bag in seconds. Since there is no way to directly get this info with the C++ API, we can use the View class like this:

   1 #include <rosbag/bag.h>
   2 #include <rosbag/view.h>
   4 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   5 {
   6     rosbag::Bag bag;
   7     bag.open("/path/to/my_bag.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Read);
   9     rosbag::View view(bag);
  11     ros::Time bag_begin_time = view.getBeginTime();
  12     ros::Time bag_end_time = view.getEndTime();
  14     std::cout << "ROS bag time: " << (bag_end_time-bag_begin_time).toSec() << "(s)" << std::endl;
  16     bag.close();
  18     return 0;
  19 }

Analyzing Stereo Camera Data

Stereo camera data is stored on four separate topics: image topics for each camera sensor_msgs/Image, and camera info topics for each camera sensor_msgs/CameraInfo. In order to process the data, you need to synchronize messages from all four topics using a message_filters::TimeSynchronizer.

In this example, we're loading the entire bag file to memory before analyzing the images (as opposed to lazy loading).

   1 #include <ros/ros.h>
   2 #include <rosbag/bag.h>
   3 #include <rosbag/view.h>
   5 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
   7 #include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
   8 #include <message_filters/time_synchronizer.h>
  10 #include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
  11 #include <sensor_msgs/CameraInfo.h>
  13 // A struct to hold the synchronized camera data 
  14 // Struct to store stereo data
  15 class StereoData
  16 {
  17 public:
  18   sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr image_l, image_r;
  19   sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr cam_info_l, cam_info_r;
  21   StereoData(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &l_img, 
  22              const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &r_img, 
  23              const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &l_info, 
  24              const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &r_info) :
  25     image_l(l_img),
  26     image_r(r_img),
  27     cam_info_l(l_info),
  28     cam_info_r(r_info)
  29   {}
  30 };
  32 /**
  33  * Inherits from message_filters::SimpleFilter<M>
  34  * to use protected signalMessage function 
  35  */
  36 template <class M>
  37 class BagSubscriber : public message_filters::SimpleFilter<M>
  38 {
  39 public:
  40   void newMessage(const boost::shared_ptr<M const> &msg)
  41   {
  42     signalMessage(msg);
  43   }
  44 };
  46 // Callback for synchronized messages
  47 void callback(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &l_img, 
  48               const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &r_img, 
  49               const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &l_info,
  50               const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &r_info)
  51 {
  52   StereoData sd(l_img, r_img, l_info, r_info);
  54   // Stereo dataset is class variable to store data
  55   stereo_dataset_.push_back(sd);
  56 }
  58 // Load bag
  59 void loadBag(const std::string &filename)
  60 {
  61   rosbag::Bag bag;
  62   bag.open(filename, rosbag::bagmode::Read);
  64   std::string l_cam = image_ns_ + "/left";
  65   std::string r_cam = image_ns_ + "/right";
  66   std::string l_cam_image = l_cam + "/image_raw";
  67   std::string r_cam_image = r_cam + "/image_raw";
  68   std::string l_cam_info = l_cam + "/camera_info";
  69   std::string r_cam_info = r_cam + "/camera_info";
  71   // Image topics to load
  72   std::vector<std::string> topics;
  73   topics.push_back(l_cam_image);
  74   topics.push_back(r_cam_image);
  75   topics.push_back(l_cam_info);
  76   topics.push_back(r_cam_info);
  78   rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
  80   // Set up fake subscribers to capture images
  81   BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::Image> l_img_sub, r_img_sub;
  82   BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> l_info_sub, r_info_sub;
  84   // Use time synchronizer to make sure we get properly synchronized images
  85   message_filters::TimeSynchronizer<sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> sync(l_img_sub, r_img_sub, l_info_sub, r_info_sub, 25);
  86   sync.registerCallback(boost::bind(&callback, _1, _2, _3, _4));
  88   // Load all messages into our stereo dataset
  89   BOOST_FOREACH(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
  90   {
  91     if (m.getTopic() == l_cam_image || ("/" + m.getTopic() == l_cam_image))
  92     {
  93       sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr l_img = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::Image>();
  94       if (l_img != NULL)
  95         l_img_sub.newMessage(l_img);
  96     }
  98     if (m.getTopic() == r_cam_image || ("/" + m.getTopic() == r_cam_image))
  99     {
 100       sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr r_img = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::Image>();
 101       if (r_img != NULL)
 102         r_img_sub.newMessage(r_img);
 103     }
 105     if (m.getTopic() == l_cam_info || ("/" + m.getTopic() == l_cam_info))
 106     {
 107       sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr l_info = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>();
 108       if (l_info != NULL)
 109         l_info_sub.newMessage(l_info);
 110     }
 112     if (m.getTopic() == r_cam_info || ("/" + m.getTopic() == r_cam_info))
 113     {
 114       sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr r_info = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>();
 115       if (r_info != NULL)
 116         r_info_sub.newMessage(r_info);
 117     }
 118   }
 119   bag.close();
 120 }

  1. Reading messages from a bag file (with `ros_readbagfile`)

2025-03-08 20:40