The todo list for ROSH is still too volatile (and long) to put down in tickets. There's a lot of ideas, and part of the rosh experiment is figuring out which are the useful ones.
- topics
- bags
- bagy record
- visibility of latching and ctx variables
subscribe -> user-facing (and with and w/o context)
- msg and srv should be accessible even if master is offline
can't use rosservice because it doesn't take in master handle
- transforms
Point, Pose, Quaternion, etc... wrappers
- For 1.4:
- launch roslaunch files
- For later:
props() interface
hz() function, e.g. hz(, 2.)
- nav_msgs/OccGrid and others as plugin
- drop (topic tools)
- transforms as Poses
- fine-tune actions
pose -> visualization marker
- smach introspection API
Longer term
Fuller roscd tab complete.
- Node interfaces: load up a stub node from an interface (e.g. camera)
- remote launching: load a machines file, then launch nodes on named machines (including topic_tools)
- Figure out a simpler solution to boxing/unboxing problem, e.g. calling actions that require a message container.
- resurrect:
def mutate(msg): msg2 = String('Yo ' return msg2 pipe(topics.chatter, topics.yo, mutate)