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Only released in EOL distros:  

worldmodel: semantic_model_web_interface | semanticmodel | worldmodel_ops

Package Summary


worldmodel: semantic_model_web_interface | semanticmodel | worldmodel_ops

Package Summary


An Example

See http://worldmodel.willowgarage.com for an example of this package in action.

Getting Started

You should read the worldmodel stack page for a high-level description of what this package does; after that, read the semanticmodel page to learn how to gather a database file. (This package is concerned with visualizing a database).

Bringing up a database server

Assuming you've created the database in some location such as /path/to/db, run the db server using something like rosrun mongodb wrapper.py_database_path:=/path/to/db. See the mongodb package for details. If you're running multiple instances of the db server on the same machine, you can set the warehouse_port ros parameter to use different ports.

Bringing up the web server

The web interface uses the Flask web framework. It can either be run using a production web server such as Apache or Flask's own debug server. To use Apache, you just need to set up a wsgi file that imports the application from this package: see the Flask documentation for details. Simpler (but not recommended for public networks or heavy use) is to run Flask's own server. This is done with:

rosrun semantic_model_web_interface run_server.py

The above command brings up the site on port 5000 of the local machine. You can use a different port by passing it as the single argument to run_server.py. The server will look at the warehouse_port ros parameter to decide which port to look for the db on (defaults to 27017).

2025-03-08 20:44