What To Do When Encountering Errors Running Gazebo Simulator
If you encounter an error running gazebo related software, please attempt the following steps first:
Check Answers for Gazebo related topics and see if there's any useful debugging information.
- If the error appear ticket-worthy, please see below:
If the error appears to be ROS related (i.e. Gazebo ROS API, gazebo_plugins, gazebo plugins for ROS), please login to your profile on ros-pkg trac and file a new ticket.
If the error appears to be PR2 related (i.e. related to PR2 Gazebo plugins, PR2 simulation), please login to your profile on wg-ros-pkg trac and file a new ticket.
If the error appears to be unrelated to ROS or PR2, please report new issues on Gazebo trac on Bitbucket.
When filing a ticket or asking a question on answers.ros.org, please include the following information if possible:
OS you are using (e.g. Ubuntu Precise 64bit), kernel version (execute uname -a) if you are on a linux system.
- Graphics card and graphics card driver version.
- Please include the version of simulator_gazebo you are running by executing:
cat `rosstack find simulator_gazebo`/CMakeLists.txt
and look for the version number inside rosbuild_make_distribution(X.X.X).
- To help potential answering party trace and debug the issue, please include any additional information such as:
- Post any console outputs related to the error (be generous in copying and pasting what might be relevant to the problem).
- Obtain a gdb backtrace for the segmentation fault.
- In general, a way for potential reviewers to reproduce the problem will be helpful.
Lastly, here are some of the common errors in older releases of simulator_gazebo prior to Electric.