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ros_canopen: can_msgs | canopen_402 | canopen_chain_node | canopen_master | canopen_motor_node | socketcan_bridge | socketcan_interface

Package Summary

This package contains a generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.

ros_canopen: can_msgs | canopen_402 | canopen_chain_node | canopen_master | canopen_motor_node | socketcan_bridge | socketcan_interface

Package Summary

This package contains a generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.

ros_canopen: can_msgs | canopen_402 | canopen_chain_node | canopen_master | canopen_motor_node | socketcan_bridge | socketcan_interface

Package Summary

Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.

ros_canopen: can_msgs | canopen_402 | canopen_chain_node | canopen_master | canopen_motor_node | socketcan_bridge | socketcan_interface

Package Summary

Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.

ros_canopen: can_msgs | canopen_402 | canopen_chain_node | canopen_master | canopen_motor_node | socketcan_bridge | socketcan_interface

Package Summary

Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.

ros_canopen: can_msgs | canopen_402 | canopen_chain_node | canopen_master | canopen_motor_node | socketcan_bridge | socketcan_interface

Package Summary

Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.


This packages provides a generic CAN interface class and a SocketCAN-based driver implementation.

The interface is divided into three parts:

The listeners are based on FastDelegate std::function (since melodic) and use RAII-pointers.

The SocketCAN driver interface is based on Boost.Asio and provides concurrent access to SocketCAN interfaces. It is the default CAN implementation used throughout ros_canopen and requires Linux kerner 2.6.25 or newer.

Plug-in system

The SocketCAN driver is exposed as "can::SocketCANInterface" with base class can::DriverInterface via class_loader. In addition the plugin library is announced to pluginlib.

Tested Drivers and Devices

The SocketCAN driver interface should work with all SocketCAN network interfaces. The linux mainline kernel already includes some device drivers, other devices are supported by vendor-provided implementations.

The following devices were tested with socketcan_interface:






PEAK-System Technik GmbH


Kernel peak_usb



Kernel peak_pci

Not working

IRQ problems

Vendor (NETDEV!)


esd electronic system design gmbh


Kernel esd_usb2


Ixxat (HMS Networks)

USB-to-CAN V2 compact



optional requirement: libelf-dev

PICAN2 (SK Pang Electronics)


Kernel mcp2515



Load driver

Set-up udev rules or type manually:

sudo modprobe peak_usb # kernel driver, since 3.11

sudo modprobe peak_pci # kernel driver

sudo modprobe pcan # PEAK vendor driver

sudo modprobe esd_usb2 # kernel driver

Initialize NIC

Bring-up CAN NIC (Linux kernel drivers):

sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 # adjust bitrate as needed

Further options are availabe, please consult SocketCAN Readme, section 6.5. For automatic set-up, the network can be configured in /etc/network/interfaces, e.g.:

allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
    bitrate 500000
#    up ip link set $IFACE txqueuelen 20 # uncomment if more than 4 nodes are used

Tools and Debugging


Simple test program provided with the package, just prints the received messages:

rosrun socketcan_interface socketcan_dump can0

ip -details -statistics link show can0

(not available for all drivers)


Feature-rich tool suite for SocketCAN, install with:

sudo apt-get install can-utils

2025-03-29 21:08