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TaraXL is a UVC compliant 3D Stereo camera based on MT9V024 stereo sensor from ON Semiconductor which supports WVGA ((2*752) x 480) at 60 fps over USB 3.0 in uncompressed format. This Stereo camera provides two synchronized sensor frame data interleaved side by side to the host machine over USB 3.0 interface.

TaraXL can be used by customers who want to develop their Stereo camera algorithms and to integrate Stereo camera in their product design. TaraXL is provided with accelerated SDK for NVIDIA Jetson TX2, Xavier and Ubuntu 16.04 x64 which is ideal for depth application product designs.

Click Here For More Information for TaraXL camera

STEEReoCAM™ is a 2MP 3D MIPI Stereo camera for NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™/TX2/Nano developer kit with improved accuracy and depth range. This MIPI Stereo camera is based on 1/2.9" OV2311 global shutter CMOS sensor from OmniVision. STEEReoCAM™ is bundled with a proprietary CUDA® accelerated Stereo SDK that runs on the GPU of NVIDIA® Tegra processors. It provides 3D depth mapping at ((2*1600) x 1300) resolution at 22 fps.

STEEReoCAM™ is ideal for applications such as depth sensing, robotics and autonomous guided vehicles, face recognition, gesture recognition, drones, 3D video recording, 3D measurements, embedded vision, surgical robotics, and so on.

Click Here For More Information for STEEReoCAM camera

This package provides ROS Nodes for TaraXL and STEEReoCAM camera.



This package requires TaraXL SDK in order to use TaraXL/STEEReoCAM Stereo camera with ROS. Before installing the taraxl-ros-package, follow the Install Prerequisites for TaraXL SDK.

You can download the taraxl-ros-package on github: https://github.com/econsystems/taraxl-ros-package

Install Prerequisites

  1. Download the latest version of the TaraXL SDK at https://developer.e-consystems.com

  2. Install the TaraXL SDK on your Nvidia Tx2/Xavier/Nano device or Linux system(x86).
  3. Install the Ubuntu install of ROS Melodic and make your system ready for ROS.

  4. Download the package from github and put it in your catkin src folder
    1. cd ~/catkin/src
    2. git clone https://github.com/econsystems/taraxl-ros-package

    3. git clone https://github.com/econsystems/vision_opencv.git

  5. Build the package from your catkin folder
    1. cd ~/catkin
    2. catkin_make
    3. source ./devel/setup.bash


Email: techsupport@e-consystems.com


Published Topics

Dynamic Reconfiguration Settings

TaraXL Camera


Test Package

Open a terminal and enter the following commands,

To launch taraxl_ros_package

roslaunch taraxl_ros_package taraxl.launch

To visualize TaraXL/STEEReoCAM image topics


To visualize TaraXL/STEEReoCAM dispariy image topic

rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/taraxl/stereo/disparity/image

To visualize TaraXL/STEEReoCAM pointcloud topic

rosrun rviz rviz

To view imu data

rostopic echo /taraxl/imu/data_raw

rostopic echo /taraxl/imu/inclination

To view calibration parameters for unrectified Frames

rostopic echo /taraxl/left/calib/raw

rostopic echo /taraxl/right/calib/raw

To view calibration parameters for rectified Frames

rostopic echo /taraxl/left/calib/rect

rostopic echo /taraxl/right/calib/rect

Dynamic reconfiguration

rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

2025-03-08 20:46