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This package is meant to be a simple stub for use in the NIST Solutions in Perception contest.



First, make sure that you have installed the Diamondback release of ROS

Then, verify that you have rosinstall :

Also please make sure that you install:

sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-openni-kinect

sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-perception-pcl-addons

install tod_stub

Now, open a terminal and create a directory to work in. We'll use rosinstall to setup a directory that has all the dependencies. The following will install everything you need to get started in you.

The following line will install everything in under the path: ~/tod_stub_dev

rosinstall ~/tod_stub_dev https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/branches/trunk_diamondback/stacks/object_recognition/tod_stub/tod_stub.install

That just installed:


For CS324 Class, use of fiducial tracking:

"Fiducial" will become your perception code stub as it connects with OpenCV, PCL and the kinect camera. So:

Print out the calibration fiducial pattern in data/5x3.svg

Check that everything runs:

  1. plug in a kinect camera
  2. Open up 4 terminals (or 4 tabs in one terminal)
  3. In the first, run roscore

  4. In the second, run roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch 

  5. In the third, go to the data directory roscd fiducial/data

    • We go to this directory because that's where the fiducial.yml file is.

      • Otherwise, you may append the argument --fiducial data/fiducial.yml

    • Then: rosrun fiducial pose_estimator camera:=/camera/rgb

  6. In the forth window, to view all this: rosrun rviz rviz

    • Set rviz settings as follows:
  7. fiducial_rviz.jpg

  8. You can run rosrun fiducial pose_estimator camera:=/camera/rgb  with other options (append --help to get these options):

    • Append --use_3d To use 3D information for pose fitting instead of OpenCV's solvePNP().

      • 3D information is more accurate since small differences in 2D estimation of points can cause large pose differences.
    • Append --verbose To show an OpenCV window tracking the chessboard

      • Both options may be used together

2025-03-15 20:58