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Create Setup

By default, the turtlebot groovy software is configured to work with Kobuki. If you have an old Create style Turtlebot and want to get it working with the groovy software, you are in the right place.


The instructions differ depending on whether you have a prepared usb derived release, from debs, or from source.

Live Usb Installation (Robot Only)

Debs Installation (Robot/Workstation)

Source Installation (Robot/Workstation)

Live USB Installation

This is pending information/testing of the live usb release.

Deb Installation

The software currently uses environment variables to determine the hardware configuration. Export the following variables before you source setup.bash.

> export TURTLEBOT_BASE=create
> export TURTLEBOT_STACKS=circles
> export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=kinect    (alternatively asus_xtion_pro)

Putting it in ~/.bashrc or appended to your own workspace's setup.sh are good candidates for convenience. You should do it if you don't want to write it every time you open a terminal. You can edit bashrc by doing

> nano .bashrc

and adding the 3 previous lines (you should be on your home folder). If the nano text editor is not working, try emacs or vi.

Source Installation

The software currently uses environment variables to determine the hardware configuration. Export the following variables before you source setup.bash.

> echo "export TURTLEBOT_BASE=create" >> ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/setup.sh
> echo "export TURTLEBOT_STACKS=circles" >> ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/setup.sh
> echo "export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=kinect" >> ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/setup.sh
> source ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/setup.bash


You can see exactly how this is working in turtlebot_bringup/launch/minimal.launch.

2023-10-28 13:08