Groovy (0.2.x versions)
0.2.4 (26.05.2013)
hector_gazebo_plugins: fixed a bug in the UpdateTimer helper class that causes irregular sensor updates. Also affects package hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins.
hector_gazebo_plugins: updated deprecated Gazebo API calls
0.2.3 (13.05.2013)
hector_gazebo_worlds: updated world description files to SDF 1.3
- branched from version 0.1.3
Fuerte (0.1.x versions)
0.1.4 (26.05.2013)
- see version 0.2.4 for Groovy
0.1.3 (12.03.2013)
hector_gazebo_plugins: fixed parameter loading in class SensorModel. Unknown SDF plugin parameters have type string and cannot be loaded using the sdf::Param::GetValue() method.
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera: split the plugin in two versions: requires a camera sensor as parent, where requires a depth sensor. Note that in fuerte all cameras created from URDF descriptions are depth cameras internally for some weird reason and the robot description must be updated to use the new plugin. Also deleted a lot of useless code, which was copied from the depth camera plugin in package gazebo_plugins.
hector_gazebo_plugins: added missing dependency to tf, used by diffdrive_plugin_6w
- updated #include directives to use the angle-bracket form for gazebo include files
0.1.2 (07.02.2013)
hector_gazebo_plugins/gazebo_ros_sonar: fixed calculation of minimum range (see
hector_gazebo_plugins: added a common update timer to synchronize sensor plugins so that publishing occurs at the same simulation step if the plugins are configured with the same updateRate or if one updateRate is a multiple of another
hector_gazebo_plugins/gazebo_ros_gps: consider earth's excentrity when converting Gazebo coordinates to WGS84. Changed default frame_id from empty to /world.
hector_gazebo_plugins/diffdrive_plugin_6w: fixed tf
gazebo_rtt_plugin: new package that allows executing Orocos Real-Time Toolkit components in simulated real-time within gazebo
0.1.1 (29.09.2012)
hector_gazebo_plugins: fixed the calibration service name in the gazebo_ros_imu plugin (patch supplied by Sameer Parekh, thanks)
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera: updated the thermal camera plugin to work with Gazebo 1.0
hector_gazebo_plugins: fixed field_of_view calculation in gazebo_ros_sonar plugin
hector_gazebo_worlds: removed and empty_world_realtime.launch as a throttled empty world is already contained in gazebo_worlds
hector_gazebo_worlds: updated world files to new sdf format and reorganized launch files
0.1.0 (04.09.2012)
- initial release