Show EOL distros:
pr2_robot: imu_monitor | pr2_bringup | pr2_camera_synchronizer | pr2_computer_monitor | pr2_controller_configuration | pr2_ethercat | pr2_run_stop_auto_restart
Package Summary
Configuration files for PR2 controllers.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Devon Ash <dash AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Wim Meeussen
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
This package contains YAML files that are used to configure the default controllers and the calibration controllers on the pr2. The package also contains a roslaunch file that configures, loads and starts the default controllers via pr2_controller_manager. The default controllers are:
- base:
- arms:
- head:
- torso
These files are used in places such as pr2_bringup to instantiate the default PR2 controllers.
For pr2_simulator, a clone of this package with separate configuration is in pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo.