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Package Summary
Generic Mechanism Controller Library
- Maintainer status: unmaintained
- Maintainer: ROS Orphaned Package Maintainers <ros-orphaned-packages AT googlegroups DOT com>
- Author: John Hsu, Melonee Wise, Stuart Glaser
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: melodic-devel)
This package contains the code that runs in realtime to move the mechanisms on the robot. These controllers are not specific to mechanisms on the PR2 and may be useful on other robots.
Joint Trajectory Action Controller for moving a set of joints along a joint space trajectory.
Joint Spline Trajectory Controller for moving a set of joints along a joint space trajectory (deprecated, use the Joint Trajectory Action Controller instead).
Joint Effort Controller for commanding an effort (force or torque) to a single joint.
Joint Velocity Controller for commanding velocities to a single joint.
Joint Position Controller for commanding positions to a single joint.
JT Cartesian Controller for commanding poses (cartesian positions) to the end effector, with redundancy control.
Cartesian Wrench Controller for commanding wrenches (cartesian forces and torques) to a chain of joints.
Cartesian Twist Controller for commanding twists (cartesian velocities) to a chain of joints.
Cartesian Pose Controller for commanding poses (cartesian positions) to a chain of joints.
The controllers in this package should not be used directly. The controllers should instead by used via their action interfaces, e.g., joint_trajectory_action, pr2_gripper_action, pr2_head_action, and single_joint_position_action.