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Package Summary
This package specifies the interface to a realtime controller. A controller that implements this interface can be executed by the controller manager in the real time control loop. The package basically contains the C++ controller base class that all controllers need to inherit from.
- Author: Wim Meeussen
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: default)
The controller interface
To implement a real time controller, your controller needs to inherit from the pr2_controller_interface::Controller base class. The base class contains
- four methods you need to implement: init, starting, update and stopping, and
- one method you can call: getController.
The base class looks like this:
1 namespace pr2_controller_interface
2 {
3 class Controller
4 {
5 public:
6 virtual bool init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot,
7 ros::NodeHandle &n);
8 virtual void starting();
9 virtual void update();
10 virtual void stopping();
12 bool getController(const std::string& name,
13 int sched,
14 ControllerType*& c);
15 };
16 }
The image below gives the flowchart that shows in what order these four methods are called (more details in the text below).
Initializing the controller
The init method is executed in non-realtime.
6 virtual bool init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot,
7 ros::NodeHandle &n);
The init method is called when you load a controller, to initialize the controller. Note that initializing a controller is independent of starting it: the initialization can be done any amount of time before starting the controller. The init method takes two arguments:
robot: this is a pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState that describes the robot model (see pr2_mechanism_model). The model provides access to the robot joints (actuators, encoders, etc.), and contains a kinematic/dynamic description of the robot mechanism.
n: this ros::NodeHandle is the "namespace" of the controller. In the namespace of this node handle, the controller can read configuration from the parameter server, advertise topics, etc.
The init method returns if the initialization was successful or not. If the initialization fails, the controller will get unloaded by pr2_controller_manager. Make sure to always use ROS_ERROR("explanation"); to inform the user why your controller failed to initialize. A controller can only be initialized once. If you want to re-initialize a controller, you first need to unload it, and then load it again.
Starting the controller
The starting method is executed in hard realtime.
8 virtual void starting();
The starting method is called once every time a controller is started, by the controller manager. Starting is executed in the same cycle as the first update call, right before this update call.
The starting method initializes the controller right before the first time update is called. The controller manager is allowed to re-start a controller at a later time, without having to unload/load the controller.
Updating the controller
The update method is executed in hard realtime.
9 virtual void update();
The update method of every controller is called periodically by pr2_controller_manager at a frequency of 1000 Hz. This means that the execution time of all controllers combined cannot take more than 1 mili-second. In the update loop, the real control work is done.
Stopping the controller
The stopping method is executed in hard realtime.
10 virtual void stopping();
The stopping method is called once every time a controller is stopped. Stopping is executed in the same cycle as the last update call, right after this update call.
The stopping method does not return anything, it is not allowed to fail.
Requesting a pointer to another controller
The getController method is executed in non-realtime.
12 bool getController(const std::string& name,
13 int sched,
14 ControllerType*& c);
The getController method allows a controller to get a pointer to another controller. This is used to create a "chain" of controllers, where each controller sends its output to the next controller, in realtime. This system is a poor replacement of the non-realtime ROS communication.
The getController method takes three arguments:
name: a string with the name of the controller you would like to get a pointer to.
sched: An int (ENUM) this specifies if the requested controller should be executed before or after your controller. Possible values are pr2_controller_interface:BEFORE_ME and pr2_controller_interface::AFTER_ME.
c This is a pointer to the controller you requested, with the type matching the type of the requested controller. The type is also the template argument for the getController method.