1.3.2 (2011-01-12)
per <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4421)>>, using lastRenderTime
- removed obsolete exporting of msg/cpp and srv/cpp from manifest.xml.
copy head gains from pr2_controller_configuration after we updated the head inertias to CAD values from function <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4296)>>
pr2_fingertip_contact_translator: new package
1.3.1 (2010-11-22)
add stack level dependency on ros_comm
gating distortion changes based on ROS_VERSION_MINIMUM 1.3.0 assuming users who are in unstable ROS 1.3.* are using common_msgs 1.3.3 or later
1.3.0 (2010-11-12)
Updated Prosilica plugin to build against polled_camera changes related to REP 104.