Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
rqt_marble works as an interface between KDE's Marble library and ROS. Utilizing sensor_msgs::NavSatFix, it provides following features:
- Publishes GPS coordinates in a path that user sets on global map
- Plots GPS coordinates of the robot's current positions
- Maintainer: Isaac Saito <130s AT alumni.smu DOT edu>
- Author: Isaac Saito <isaito AT osrfoundation DOT org>, Tobias Baer <baer AT fzi DOT de>, Jan Aidel <aiden AT fzi DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Package Summary
rqt_marble works as an interface between KDE's Marble library and ROS. Utilizing sensor_msgs::NavSatFix, it provides following features:
- Publishes GPS coordinates in a path that user sets on global map
- Plots GPS coordinates of the robot's current positions
- Maintainer: Isaac Saito <130s AT alumni.smu DOT edu>
- Author: Isaac Saito <isaito AT osrfoundation DOT org>, Tobias Baer <baer AT fzi DOT de>, Jan Aidel <aiden AT fzi DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Package Summary
rqt_marble works as an interface between KDE's Marble library and ROS. Utilizing sensor_msgs::NavSatFix, it provides following features:
- Publishes GPS coordinates in a path that user sets on global map
- Plots GPS coordinates of the robot's current positions
- Maintainer: Isaac Saito <130s AT alumni.smu DOT edu>
- Author: Isaac Saito <isaito AT osrfoundation DOT org>, Tobias Baer <baer AT fzi DOT de>, Jan Aidel <aiden AT fzi DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
rqt_marble is still being developed.