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Package Summary
Perceptual pipeline for object-based semantic world modeling.
- Author: Julian ("Mac") Mason
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: None)
This package implements the perceptual pipeline for the worldmodel stack; you should start at that page to get a general overview of the system.
Perceptual Model
The segmentation pipeline tries to makes two assumptions about your robot, and one assumption about your environment. It assumes that your robot mounts a Microsoft Kinect (in general, any RGB-D sensor) fairly far off the floor, and has a localized mobile base. It also assumes that your environments contains "interesting" objects atop large flat surfaces like tables, counters, or shelves. This planarity assumption is helpful in indoor environments, as many objects of human interest are kept on such surfaces.
Data collection, therefore, consists of storing Kinect RGB-D point clouds (and localization tf frames); processing the data requires segmenting out horizontal planes and the objects atop them.
Collecting Data
To ease the computational load on your robot, the common case for this code is to do a pure data-collection run and then to generate the object database offline. Here, we discuss how to gather data; see below for generating a database. If you'd like, you can run the database generation online; however, this is computation- and bandwidth-intensive. To reduce data usage, the common case saves the raw Kinect images at 5fps; see throttles.launch to change this rate. During database generation, these raw images are reprojected (see openni_record_player.launch) into RGB-D point clouds for processing.
To collect data, you want the gather_data.launch launchfile. (If you're not using a PR2, you should set the headpointer argument to false.) The comments in that launchfile are detailed, and should get you started. Once this is up and running, use the script to record a bagfile ( automatically collects all necessary ROS topics). Drive your robot around as you see fit (we recommend a an automated tour using the navigation tools; worldmodel_ops shows how this can be done using continuous operations, but could be straightforwardly adapted to waypoint navigation or teleoperation.
Generating a Database
Once you have a bagfile containing Kinect data for your localized robot, you should run playbag-local.launch to start up the data-processing pipeline, and then run the script to start playback. (Just using rosbag play will fail to set some important parameters; hence
Visualizing a Running Process
While collecting data, the plane-extraction process will be running (this is used to perform active head pointing, if you are on a PR2); these planes, and various other things, can be visualized in rviz (there are several point cloud topics; the convex hulls of the planes are also published to the marker topics).
During database generation, the point clouds of the segmented objects will also be visible.
Viewing and Querying the Database
The code for doing this has been broken out into the semantic_model_web_interface package; see that page.
Implementation Details
The heavy lifting of the segmentation pipeline is done in the Segmenter class; see segmenter.hh and for details of the interface and implementation. The segmenter has a wide variety of dynamic_reconfigure parameters, the most-important of which are detailed here.
min_z and max_z truncate the point cloud (which is transformed into the /map frame, where +z is "up"); this limits processing to tabletops; the tighter this limitation, the faster the code will run, but you run the risk of chopping the tops off of tall objects. The default values are tuned for a PR2 with a head-mounted Kinect.
voxel_size describes the size of the voxels for pointcloud downsampling (RANSAC for plane extraction is run in a downsampled cloud, for speed's sake).
plane_distance defines how far above the plane points must be to be object candidates; this keeps points that are actually part of the table from being accidentally treated as candidate object points.
filter_lag_cutoff lets you drop input frames that are too old; even at 5Hz, the perceptual pipeline can sometimes fall behind. While this is not a problem during playback, it is an issue when performing active head pointing; this parameter allows you to give up on frames that are taking too long. (In our experiments, with the default value, only a single-digit percentage of the total frames were dropped during a standard data-collection run.)