Only released in EOL distros:
srv_tools: bag_tools | launch_tools | plot_tools | pointcloud_tools | tf_tools
Package Summary
ROS tools and scripts relates to tf
- Maintainer: Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- Author: Stephan Wirth <stwirth AT uib DOT es>, Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro)
tf_logger will record the changes of frames published through tf each with respect to a given reference frame.
$ rosrun tf_tools tf_logger FREQUENCY REF_FRAME LOG_FRAME [REF_FRAME LOG_FRAME ...]
E.g. if you want to log both the transforms /world -> /odom and /odom -> /base_link at a frequency of 5 Hz, run
$ rosrun tf_tools tf_logger 5 /world /odom /odom /base_link
You can log as many transformations as you wish.