Only released in EOL distros:
roomba_robin_viz: roomba_robin_rviz_launchers | turtlebot_dashboard | turtlebot_interactive_markers | turtlebot_rviz_launchers
Package Summary
Launchers for the base-specific dashboards
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt AT yujinrobot DOT com>
- Author: Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt AT yujinrobot DOT com>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: hydro)
The dashboard is a simple graphical tool that can give you an overview about the status of your robot at a glance. It has its roots in the turtlebot_diagnostics monitoring tool.
First, make sure your TurtleBot is already running (e.g. you have launched minimal.launch from turtlebot_bringup before).
Then launch the dashboard with:
roslaunch turtlebot_dashboard turtlebot_dashboard.launch
The main window of the dashboard is composed entirely of status indicators, the idea being that if they are all green the robot should be working fine from a hardware and built-in systems standpoint.
The indicators are broken into following three categories. The further explanation of the state Stale can be found in this QA at
Component |
OK |
Warn |
Error |
Stale |
Description |
Diagnostics |
Clicking pops up the robot monitor. The OK/Warn/Error state is determined from the top level of its tree. |
Rosout |
Clicking pops up the rosconsole logging view. The OK/Warn/Error state is determined by the messages received over the last 30 seconds. |
The battery is also just an indicator with no way of changing its state. The battery will change its % filled based on the amount of battery remaining. It will also show a power-plug symbol if the robot is charging.
Charge 100% |
Charge 80% |
Charge 60% |
Charge 40% |
Charge 20% |
Charging |