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The stack contains all of the Orocos Toolchain v2.4.x integrated in the ROS build system. The orocos_toolchain_ros stack contains utilmm, utilrb, typelib and orogen, to automatically create ros packages for the automatic typekit generation for C++ classes.

On top of the Orocos Toolchain v2.4.x this stack contains:

  • rtt_ros_integration: This package contains the following:

    • The ros-plugin: this RTT plugin allows Orocos/RTT components to contact the ROS master
    • CMake macro's to automatically create Orocos/RTT typekits and transport plugins from .msg files
  • rtt_ros_integration_std_msgs: This package shows how the CMake macro's have to be used, it creates the Orocos/RTT typekits and transport plugins for all roslib and std_msgs messages

  • rtt_ros_integration_example: This package shows how the rtt_ros_integration should be used from an Orocos/RTT user/developer point of view. It contains a HelloRobot component which can be contacted using rostopic echo

For Orocos/RTT new-commers, there are also the rtt_exercises. They can be found at https://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/rtt_examples ,and have native ROS build support.

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact the orocos-users, orocos-dev or ros-users mailing list.


First, install 'regular' ROS on your system following these instructions: Install

Prebuild deb packages are available for Ubuntu systems. Installation is as simple as

sudo apt-get install ros-(cturtle/diamondback)-orocos-toolchain-ros

Installation for other systems can be done through git. All code is currently on git on http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/orocos_toolchain_ros.git . You must extract the software in a (sub)directory of your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:

cd $HOME
mkdir ros
cd ros

Most people set that export statement in their .bashrc file, right after they sourced the 'setup.bash' file. Then in $HOME/ros:

git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/orocos_toolchain_ros.git

Make sure to either check out the diamondback branch (for diamondback)

cd orocos_toolchain_ros
git checkout -b diamondback origin/diamondback

or cturtle branch (for cturtle)

cd orocos_toolchain_ros
git checkout -b cturtle origin/cturtle

initialise and update the git submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

and build the orocos_toolchain_ros stack

rosmake --rosdep-install orocos_toolchain_ros

Don't forget to source the Orocos specific env.sh script in order to use the orogen functionality:

. env.sh
echo -e "\n. $(pwd)/env.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

This file needs to be sourced in addition to ROS's setup.bash file.


The deployer, taskbrowser and any program part of OCL needs to be run with the rosrun command:

rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux

You should now proceed to the Orocos Toolchain Main Page for further documentation and examples.


The stack contains all of the Orocos Toolchain v2.4.x integrated in the ROS build system. The orocos_toolchain_ros stack contains utilmm, utilrb, typelib and orogen, to automatically create ros packages for the automatic typekit generation for C++ classes.

On top of the Orocos Toolchain v2.4.x this stack contains:

  • rtt_ros_integration: This package contains the following:

    • The ros-plugin: this RTT plugin allows Orocos/RTT components to contact the ROS master
    • CMake macro's to automatically create Orocos/RTT typekits and transport plugins from .msg files
  • rtt_ros_integration_std_msgs: This package shows how the CMake macro's have to be used, it creates the Orocos/RTT typekits and transport plugins for all roslib and std_msgs messages

  • rtt_ros_integration_example: This package shows how the rtt_ros_integration should be used from an Orocos/RTT user/developer point of view. It contains a HelloRobot component which can be contacted using rostopic echo

For Orocos/RTT new-commers, there are also the rtt_exercises. They can be found at https://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/rtt_examples ,and have native ROS build support.

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact the orocos-users, orocos-dev or ros-users mailing list.


First, install 'regular' ROS on your system following these instructions: Install

Prebuild deb packages are available for Ubuntu systems. Installation is as simple as

sudo apt-get install ros-(cturtle/diamondback)-orocos-toolchain-ros

Installation for other systems can be done through git. All code is currently on git on http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/orocos_toolchain_ros.git . You must extract the software in a (sub)directory of your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:

cd $HOME
mkdir ros
cd ros

Most people set that export statement in their .bashrc file, right after they sourced the 'setup.bash' file. Then in $HOME/ros:

git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/orocos_toolchain_ros.git

Make sure to either check out the diamondback branch (for diamondback)

cd orocos_toolchain_ros
git checkout -b diamondback origin/diamondback

or cturtle branch (for cturtle)

cd orocos_toolchain_ros
git checkout -b cturtle origin/cturtle

initialise and update the git submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

and build the orocos_toolchain_ros stack

rosmake --rosdep-install orocos_toolchain_ros

Don't forget to source the Orocos specific env.sh script in order to use the orogen functionality:

. env.sh
echo -e "\n. $(pwd)/env.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

This file needs to be sourced in addition to ROS's setup.bash file.


The deployer, taskbrowser and any program part of OCL needs to be run with the rosrun command:

rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux

You should now proceed to the Orocos Toolchain Main Page for further documentation and examples.

As of the ROS electric release, the orocos_toolchain_ros stack is split up in 5 different stacks:

Coming soon: the orocos_toolchain_ros stack will be available in electric as a metapackage to provide a convenient way to install all stacks at once.



sudo aptitude install ros-electric-orocos-toolchain ros-electric-rtt-ros-integration ros-electric-rtt-ros-comm ros-electric-rtt-common-msgs ros-electric-rtt-geometry

And source the env.sh script after installation (you might want to add this to your .bashrc file)

source `rosstack find orocos_toolchain`/env.sh

Compiling from source

git clone --recursive git://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/orocos_toolchain.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_integration.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_comm.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_common_msgs.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_geometry.git
roscd orocos_toolchain
git submodule init
git submodule update
source env.sh
rosmake orocos_toolchain rtt_ros_integration rtt_ros_comm rtt_common_msgs rtt_geometry

As of the ROS electric release, the orocos_toolchain_ros stack is split up in 5 different stacks:

With Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-orocos-toolchain ros-fuerte-rtt-ros-integration ros-fuerte-rtt-geometry ros-fuerte-rtt-ros-comm ros-fuerte-rtt-common-msgs

Don't forget to add source orocos_toolchain/env.sh to your environment when you want to use OROCOS packages.

With rosinstall

If you do not already have a ros workspace, create one:

export ROS_WORKSPACE=~/path/to/workspace
rosws init . /opt/ros/fuerte

Navigate to your ros workspace, and add the orocos sources:

rosws set -y orocos/orocos_toolchain --git git://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/orocos_toolchain.git -v fuerte
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_ros_integration --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_integration.git -v fuerte
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_ros_comm --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_comm.git -v fuerte
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_common_msgs --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_common_msgs.git -v fuerte
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_geometry --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_geometry.git -v fuerte
rosws update
rosws regenerate
source setup.sh

Build the packages:

roscd orocos_toolchain
source env.sh
rosdep install orogen
rosmake orocos_toolchain rtt_ros_integration rtt_ros_comm rtt_common_msgs rtt_geometry

Don't forget to add source orocos_toolchain/env.sh to your environment when you want to use OROCOS packages.

Manual Installation

Compiling from source

mkdir $HOME/rosstacks
echo "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=\$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:\$HOME/rosstacks" >> ~/.bashrc
cd $HOME/rosstacks

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)

sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev omniorb omniidl omniorb-nameserver libomniorb4-1 libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libomnithread3c2 gccxml antlr libantlr-dev libxslt1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev ruby1.8-dev libruby1.8 rubygems1.8

git clone --recursive -b fuerte git://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/orocos_toolchain.git
git clone -b fuerte http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_integration.git
git clone -b fuerte http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_comm.git
git clone -b fuerte http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_common_msgs.git
git clone -b fuerte http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_geometry.git
roscd orocos_toolchain
# Checkout the fuerte branch for ROS Fuerte:
git checkout fuerte
git submodule init
git submodule update
source env.sh
rosmake orocos_toolchain rtt_ros_integration rtt_ros_comm rtt_common_msgs rtt_geometry

Debian Squeeze

sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev omniorb omniidl omniorb-nameserver libomniorb4-1 libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libomnithread3c2 gccxml antlr libantlr-dev libxslt1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev ruby1.8-dev libruby1.8 rubygems1.8 libcppunit-dev sip4

git clone --recursive git://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/orocos_toolchain.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_integration.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_comm.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_common_msgs.git
git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_geometry.git
roscd orocos_toolchain
git submodule init
git submodule update
source env.sh

roscd ocl
nano manifest.xml

Edit manifest.xml and add following line:

<depend package="roslib"/>

after line 12.

roscd ocl
nano CMakeLists.txt

Edit CMakeLists.txt and uncomment following lines (123-126):

  rosbuild_find_ros_package( rtt )
  set( RTT_HINTS HINTS ${rtt_PACKAGE_PATH}/install )

Now orocos_toolchain_ros can be compiled:

rosmake orocos_toolchain rtt_ros_integration rtt_ros_comm rtt_common_msgs rtt_geometry

As of the ROS electric release, the orocos_toolchain_ros stack is split up in 5 different stacks:

With Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain ros-groovy-rtt-ros-integration ros-groovy-rtt-geometry ros-groovy-rtt-ros-comm ros-groovy-rtt-common-msgs

Don't forget to add source orocos_toolchain/env.sh to your environment when you want to use OROCOS packages.

With rosinstall

If you do not already have a ros workspace, create one:

export ROS_WORKSPACE=~/path/to/workspace
rosws init . /opt/ros/fuerte

Navigate to your ros workspace, and add the orocos sources:

rosws set -y orocos/orocos_toolchain --git git://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/orocos_toolchain.git -v groovy
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_ros_integration --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_integration.git -v groovy
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_ros_comm --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_ros_comm.git -v groovy
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_common_msgs --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_common_msgs.git -v groovy
rosws set -y orocos/rtt_geometry --git http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/rtt_geometry.git -v groovy
rosws update
rosws regenerate
source setup.sh

Build the packages:

roscd orocos_toolchain
source env.sh
rosdep install orogen
rosmake orocos_toolchain rtt_ros_integration rtt_ros_comm rtt_common_msgs rtt_geometry

Don't forget to add source orocos_toolchain/env.sh to your environment when you want to use OROCOS packages.

With catkin


Create a catkin workspace if it doesn't already exist and navigate to the source directory:

mkdir -p ~/ws/orocos/src
cd ~/ws/orocos/src

Clone the orocos toolchain and build it with catkin_make_isolated:

git clone --recursive git://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/orocos_toolchain.git
cd ..
catkin_make_isolated --install

Source the setup file for the orocos underlay:

source install_isolated/setup.bash

Create the workspace for catkin packages:

mkdir -p ~/ws/my_project

Since the ROS Hydro release, the Orocos ROS integration has been reorganized to reside entirely in the rtt_ros_integration repository.

Please see rtt_ros_integration for more information.

2024-09-28 14:23