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The multi robot framework can be used in several different configurations.

Path Generation

One can either use the Voronoi Graph Node or the Segment to Graph Node to generate the search graph, where the Voronoi Graph Node generates a Graph, which covers the whole map and the Segment to Graph Node generates a custom defined search Graph.

Robot Control

To control the robots one can use a custom controller (e.g. the DWA from move_base) in combination with the local behavior controller which takes care of synchronization with other robots and provides an ordinary nav_msgs/Path message. For tests with a large number of robots the multi_segment_controller_node is provided which directly uses synchronous tuw_multi_robot_msgs/Route messages and controls all robots simultaneously. This is advantageous for performance reasons.

Quick Start

roslaunch tuw_multi_robot_demo demo.launch cfg:=robot_2 room:=cave


room default: "cave"

use_rviz default: "true"

use_stage default: "true"

use_map_server default: "true"

use_planner default: "true"

use_controller default: "true"

use_graph_generator default: "true"

cfg default: "default" (2 robots)

use_path_synchronizer default: "false"

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2024-07-13 14:39