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build status


This package is released as binaries, so you can just type:

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-katana-driver

Running the Katana stack

You should set your Katana type as an environment variable, for example in your .bashrc/.zshrc. At the moment, only the Katana 450 6M90A and the Katana 300 6M180 (experimental) are supported. Include one of the following lines:

export KATANA_TYPE="katana_300_6m180"
export KATANA_TYPE="katana_450_6m90a"

Katana standalone

To start the Katana node for a real robot arm, run:

roslaunch katana katana.launch

If you want to run the Gazebo simulation, run:

roslaunch katana_arm_gazebo katana_arm.launch

While one of those launch files is running, you can move the arm around using the keyboard (only on real arm, not in Gazebo):

roslaunch katana_teleop katana_teleop_key.launch

To test if following joint trajectories work, launch the following file:

roslaunch katana_tutorials follow_joint_trajectory_client.launch

Warning: This will move the robot arm without any obstacle avoidance whatsoever, so if you run this on a physical arm, make sure the workspace of the robot is clear.

Katana + MoveIt!

MoveIt has to be configured individually for each robot. At Osnabrück University, we have Calvin, a robot that consists of a Volksbot base and a Katana arm. You can see instructions how to run the full MoveIt stack in Gazebo, including motion planning, inverse kinematics, collision environment etc. on the calvin_robot wiki page.


This whole stack is being actively developed. If you use these packages and have any comments/bug reports/patches, or would like to contribute, don't hesitate to contact us!


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Use GitHub to report bugs or submit feature requests. [View active issues]

2024-07-13 13:17