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Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher and Johannes Meyer
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher and Johannes Meyer
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: fuerte-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher and Johannes Meyer
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Johannes Meyer <johannes AT intermodalics DOT eu>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Johannes Meyer <johannes AT intermodalics DOT eu>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Johannes Meyer <johannes AT intermodalics DOT eu>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
Package Summary
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Stefan Fabian <fabian AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- Author: Stefan Kohlbrecher <kohlbrecher AT sim.tu-darmstadt DOT de>, Johannes Meyer <meyer AT fsr.tu-darmstadt DOT de>
- License: BSD
Available Plugins
This plugin serves as a controller for a 6-wheeled light-weight robot using differential drive.
GazeboRosImu is a replacement for the GazeboRosImu plugin in package gazebo_plugins. It simulates an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) affected by Gaussian noise and low-frequency random drift. The orientation returned mimics a simple Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) using the (erroneous) rates and accelerations.
Published Topics
imu (sensor_msgs/Imu):
- The simulated IMU measurements (in body coordinates) and estimated orientation relative to the world frame.
Advertised Services
imu/calibrate (std_srvs/Empty):
- Resets the offset and drift error of the gyroscopes.
imu/set_accel_bias (hector_gazebo_plugins/SetBias):
- Sets the current offset error of the accelerometers and resets random drift.
imu/set_gyro_bias (hector_gazebo_plugins/SetBias):
- Sets the current offset error of the gyroscopes and resets the random drift.
XML Parameters
updateRate (double): the update rate of the sensor in hertz
robotNamespace (string): namespace prefix for topic and service names
bodyName (string, required): name of the body which holds the IMU sensor
topicName (string): name of the sensor output topic and prefix of service names (defaults to imu)
serviceName (string): name of the calibrate service (for compatibility with gazebo_plugins, defaults to [topicName]/calibrate)
accelOffset (Vector3): constant acceleration offset
accelDrift (Vector3): standard deviation of the acceleration drift error
accelDriftFrequency (Vector3): mean frequency of the acceleration drift
accelGaussianNoise (Vector3): standard deviation of the additive Gaussian acceleration noise
rateOffset (Vector3): constant rate offset
rateDrift (Vector3): standard deviation of the rate drift error
rateDriftFrequency (Vector3): mean frequency of the rate drift
rateGaussianNoise (Vector3): standard deviation of the additive Gaussian rate noise
yawOffset (double): constant yaw/heading offset
yawDrift (double): standard deviation of the yaw/heading drift error
yawDriftFrequency (double): mean frequency of the yaw/heading drift
yawGaussianNoise (double): standard deviation of the yaw/heading additive Gaussian noise
rpyOffsets (Vector3): if non-zero, used to calculate accelOffset and yawOffset so that resulting roll, pitch and yaw errors correspond to this values when the platform is leveled (for compatibility with gazebo_plugins)
gaussianNoise (double): if non-zero, this value is used as standard deviation of Gaussian noise for acceleration and angular rate measurements (for compatibility with gazebo_plugins)
GazeboRosGps simulates a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver which is attached to a robot. It publishs sensor_msgs/NavSatFix messages with the robot's position and altitude in WGS84 coordinates. The reference point that corresponds to the origin of the gazebo frame can be configured using the XML parameters. The conversion between gazebo coordinates and WGS84 is done using a simple equirectangular projection, which is accurate enough if you do not go far away from the configured reference point and if you do not want to use the plugin for polar regions.
Published Topics
fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix):
- The simulated GNSS position in WGS84 coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude).
fix_velocity (geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped):
- The GNSS velocity vector in NWU (north, west, up) coordinates.
XML Parameters
updateRate (double): the update rate of the sensor in milliseconds
robotNamespace (string): namespace prefix for topic names
bodyName (string, required): name of the body the GNSS receiver is attached to
frameId (string): frame_id included in the message headers (defaults to empty)
topicName (string): fix output topic (defaults to fix)
velocityTopicName (string): velocity output topic (defaults to fix_velocity)
referenceLatitude (double): latitude of the reference point in degrees north (defaults to 49.9)
referenceLongitude (double): longitude of the reference point in degrees east (defaults to 8.9)
referenceHeading (double): geographic heading of gazebo frame's x axis in degrees (defaults to 0.0)
referenceAltitude (double): altitude (height above WGS84 ellipsoid) of the reference point in meters (defaults to 0.0)
status (int8): status flag in the fix message (defaults to STATUS_FIX, see sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus)
service (uint16): service flag in the fix message (defaults to SERVICE_GPS, see sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus)
offset (Vector3): a constant position offset in meters given in gazebo coordinates
drift (Vector3): standard deviation of the position drift error
Note: The current velocity error is added to the position drift in each update step. Even if this parameter is zero, the velocity error is also reflected in the position.
driftFrequency (Vector3): mean frequency of the position drift
gaussianNoise (Vector3): standard deviation of the additive Gaussian noise added to the position
velocityOffset (Vector3): constant velocity offset in meters/seconds given in gazebo coordinates
velocityDrift (Vector3): standard deviation of the velocity error
velocityDriftFrequency (Vector3): mean frequency of the velocity drift
velocityGaussianNoise (Vector3): standard deviation of the additive Gaussian noise added to the velocity
This plugin simulates a 3-axis magnetometer like PNI Corp's MicroMag. Like for the GPS plugin, the orientation of the gazebo frame can be specified via the referenceHeading parameter. Declination, inclination and field magnitude have to be configured depending on your location on earth. The default parameters are valid for Europe and North America without magnitude information (normalized vector). Check for exact parameters.
Published Topics
magnetic (geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped):
- The magnetic field vector given in body coordinates.
XML Parameters
updateRate (double): the update rate of the sensor in milliseconds
robotNamespace (string): namespace prefix for topic names
bodyName (string, required): name of the body the sensor is attached to
topicName (string): fix output topic (defaults to /fix)
magnitude (double): magnitude of the magnetic field in whatever unit you want (defaults to 1.0)
referenceHeading (double): geographic heading of gazebo frame's x axis in degrees (defaults to 0.0)
declination (double): declination (angle between true and magnetic north) in degrees (defaults to 0.0)
inclination (double): inclination (angle between the horizontal plane and the magnetic field) in degrees (defaults to 60.0)
offset (Vector3): a constant offset added to the magnetic field vector. This parameter can be used to simulate deviation caused by magnetized iron within the robot.
drift (Vector3): standard deviation of the drift error
driftFrequency (Vector3): mean frequency of the drift
gaussianNoise (Vector3): standard deviation of the additive Gaussian noise added to the magnetic field
The GazeboRosSonar plugin is a ROS controller for gazebo's built-in ray sensor. The value returned as sonar range is the minimum of all rays, as a sonar ranger returns the distance corresponding to the first echo returned from a object within it's field of view. The behavior of this controller plugin depends mainly on the parameters of the sensor it is attached to.
The <controller:hector_gazebo_ros_sonar> tag is only valid within a surrounding <sensor:ray> tag. You should use the macro defined in sonar_sensor.urdf.xacro in package hector_sensors_description to include a sonar sensor to your model.
Published Topics
sonar (sensor_msgs/Range):
- A Range message containing the minimum distance of all rays. The field_of_view, min_range and max_range values reflect the parameters of the ray sensor.
XML Parameters
updateRate (double): the update rate of the sensor in milliseconds, should be equal to the update rate of the containing sensor's updateRate
robotNamespace (string): namespace prefix for topic names
frameId (string): frame_id included in the message header
topicName (string): name of the sensor output topic (defaults to sonar)
offset (double): a constant offset added to the range
drift (double): standard deviation of the drift error
driftFrequency (double): mean frequency of the drift
gaussianNoise (double): standard deviation of the additive Gaussian noise
Sensor Error Model
All simulated sensors from this package use the same generic model for sensor errors like
- constant offset
- low-frequency drift (modeled as a first order Markov random process with defined mean frequency and mean standard deviation)
- gaussian noise (with defined standard deviation).
The parameters are initialized to 0 by default (no sensor error). The default drift frequency is 0.00027 Hz (one hour period).
See also
You can find some more plugins useful for aerial vehicles in package hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins.